** i havent used authentications nethier in the mongo or in the kafka **
How to install infra:
- install mongo using the below command:
helm install mymongo oci://registry-1.docker.io/bitnamicharts/mongodb --set auth.enabed=false
- install kafka using the the folder in infra_manifest, use the below command:
helm install mykafka .
(it will deploy 3 kafkas and 1 zookeeper)
dockerize each one of the folders:
a) api-server-managment (port 6000)
b) customer-backend (port 6555)
c) my-app-front ( port 3000, nginx 80)
then upload them to your docker registry (i used a local one)
** remmber to change value in the deployment file in the "runonk8s" to the right image from the registry
open the web server, fill the form, the see the data live.
** i used ephemeral storage **