Trekkart Store is is an e-commerce platform for the ones who love travelling, Get Your Best Deal.
$ git clone
$ cd trekkart_store-ecommerce
$ npm install
$ npm start
- Home Page
- Product Listing Page
- Filters by
- Price
- Category
- Ratings
- Brands
- Search
- Cart Management
- Wishlist Management
- Authentication
- Sign-up
- Login
- Logout
- Single Product Page
- Order Summary
- Loading & Alerts
- React JS
- React Context API + useReducer
- React Router v6
- Vanilla CSS integrated with Kolpotoru UI Component Library
Trekkart Stores(
This project is meant to be open source! Do feel free to add bugs and fork the repo for contribution. Here's how you can contribute:
- Fork the project repository
- Clone your fork
- Create a new branch with a proper feature name, in your local repo
- Make changes, commit and push
- Raise a Pull Request