It is AtliQ hardware manufacture company's data which supplies its product to different store in all over India. This project will answer the business questions that a director wants to know about its business to take data driven decisions.
The datasource is mysql where we restore the dump and analyzed the data by running some queries. The currency used is INR but we found that in 2 records USD currency was used which was converted into INR in Tableau by conversion.
***Displaying the first 5 records of transaction table.
***Showing common records of transaction and date table using inner join.
***Showing the number of distinct records in transaction table using where clause with market_code is Mark001
***Data modeling : transactions is a fact table which will be the main table for our visualization and the dimension tables are customers, date, markets and products.
***Revenue analysis dashboard:
***Prod040 performance on various level
***Revenue analysis dashboard
***Creating a story of Sales Performance