© Thomas M. Rainsford, ILR, Universität Stuttgart, 18th March 2022
The main branch of this repository contains the source files for the OGR Corpus:
: source textscfg
: files necessary for compiling and exporting the corpusdoc
: metadata and documentation
Before the corpus can be used, the source files must be processed and
exported using the syllabic verse analysis (SylVA) tools available on Sourceforge:
The main branch contains work in progress! Some source texts are not finished and will cause errors if the scripts in SylVA are used on them.
If you want to use the corpus, please download the latest release:
Attribution and copyright status of the material in this corpus:
The source texts are all in the public domain in the EU.
The normalized transcriptions, part-of-speech annotation and lemmatization (columns pos, lemma, lemma_dmf) in the following texts were adapted from the BFM (2019): Serments, Eulalie, Alexis, Passion, SLéger.
The diplomatic transcriptions of Passion, SLéger and Sponsus are based on the transcription by Foerster/Koschwitz (1932), which is in the public domain in the EU. All other diplomatic transcriptions are based on photographs of the manuscript.
A previous annotated version of the Boeci text was created in collaboration with Olga Scrivner (Rainsford and Scrivner 2014).
All other transcriptions and annotations are my own original work, created in consultation with published material (details to be published in full corpus documentation on http://www.ogr-corpus.org).
BFM 2019. = Base de Français Médiéval [En ligne]. Lyon: ENS de Lyon, Laboratoire IHRIM. <txm.bfm-corpus.org>.
Foerster, Wolfgang, and Eduard Koschwitz. 1932. Altfranzösisches Übungsbuch. 7. Aufl. Leipzig: Reisland.
Rainsford, Thomas, and Olga Scrivner. 2014. „Metrical annotation for a verse treebank“. In Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Workshop on Treebanks and Linguistic Theories (TLT13), edited by Verena Henrich, Erhard Hinrichs, Daniël de Kok, Petya Osenova, and Adam Przepiórkowski, 149–59. Tübingen: University of Tübingen.