- The Collatz conjecture is a mathematical conjecture named after the German mathematician Lothar Collatz in 1937. It is also known as the "3n+1 Problem".
- This conjecture applies to any integer natural number. If the number (n) chosen by the user is even, simply divide it by 2 (n/2), and if it is odd, multiply by 3 and add 1 (n*3+1).
- Although there is still no solution or explanation, it is important for the studies of Number Theory and for attracting new young talents in mathematics.
The Collatz Conjecture may seem simple, but it has several applications in mathematics and computer science. An open field for theoretical and practical investigation, when talking about complexity and dynamic behavior. Its connections with concepts such as fractals and dynamical systems are an example of the impact that seemingly simple questions can have on broader areas of study.
Computational Complexity
Number Theory
Ergodic Theory
Izabel Chaves PUC MINAS "Introdução à Computação", 1º período - 2024.2