This assignment involves writing scripts in Ruby to help you become familiar with the Ruby programming language.
After forking this repository, follow these commands to get started:
git clone
cd fa17-hw1
There is a method called squared_sum
in hw1.rb. squared_sum
accepts two integer parameters a and b. The method should calculate the sum of a and b and then return the square of the sum. Please finish this method.
There is a method called sort_array_plus_one
in hw1.rb. sort_array_plus_one
accepts an array of integers as its parameter. The method should sort the given array, increment each element by 1, and finally return it. Please finish this method, either in a destructive or non-destructive fashion.
There is a method called combine_name
in hw1.rb. combine_name
accepts two string parameters first_name and last_name. The method should return the first_name concatenated with the last_name with a space in between. Please finish this method.
combine_name 'Jon', 'Chu'
=> 'Jon Chu'
It's blockin' time!
In hw1.rb we defined a function called blockin_time
that requires the foobar.rb file, and then calls a class method 'baz' from the Foobar class.
If you take a look at foobar.rb, you'll see that we've defined Foobar. Write a class function in foobar.rb called baz
that accepts an array of integers as strings, changes each string into an integer, adds two to each number, keeps the even numbers only, removes any duplicates, rejects the resulting numbers greater than or equal to ten, and finally returns the sum of the resulting array.
For example:
['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '10']
returns 10. ((2+2) + (4+2)) = 10.
['1', '2', '2', '2', '3', '4', '5', '10']
returns 10 as well.
Q1-Q3 can be written in 1 line and under 40 characters. Do this if you want an extra challenge.
Check out the autograder.rb file and try to figure out how it works!
For Q2 check out these docs about arrays. In web development in general, there are a lot of docs available when learning new libraries.
For Q3 you might want to check out Ruby's string interpolation.
To open the ruby interpreter to help debug call the 'irb' command in your terminal with the hw1.rb file.
irb hw1.rb
In the base directory of this repo, run ruby autograder.rb
ruby autograder.rb
If 'All functions work'
appears, everything is correct!
You're done! Whew. Time to submit! Run these commands:
git add .
git commit -am "whatever message you want"
git push origin master
Fill out the submission form for this homework, which can be found on Piazza.