School registration system
Design and implement simple school registration system
- Assuming you already have a list of students
- Assuming you already have a list of courses
- A student can register to multiple courses
- A course can have multiple students enrolled in it.
- A course has 50 students maximum
- A student can register to 5 course maximum
Provide the following REST API:
- Create students CRUD
- Create courses CRUD
- Create API for students to register to courses
- Create abilities for user to view all relationships between students and courses
- Filter all students with a specific course
- Filter all courses for a specific student
- Filter all courses without any students
- Filter all students without any courses
- Java 11
- Spring Boot with Spring Data JPA on MYSQL
- This project was build using the UseCase pattern
- The restful pattern was followed in this project
- Unit tests were written with JUnit
Execute ./, it's going to compile, create docker image and start the process
Execute ./gradlew tests
In the root of this project there's a Postman collection, check schoolregistration.postman_collection.json
Following the Restful pattern
- StudentController - CRUD operations
- /student
- POST - create new student
- GET - get a list of all students paged
- PUT - edit existing student
- DELETE - soft delete student
- GET /{id} - get specific student by id
- /student
- CourseController - CRUD operations
- /course
- POST - create new course
- GET - get a list of all courses paged
- PUT - edit existing course
- DELETE - soft delete course
- GET /{id} - get specific course by id
- /course
- CourseEnrollController - Enroll to a specific course
- /course/{courseId}/enroll/student/{studentId}
- POST - enroll student in a course
- /course/{courseId}/enroll/student/{studentId}
- DashboardController - Reports
- /dashboard
- GET /students-per-course/{course-id} - List students per course
- GET /courses-per-student/{student-id} - List courses per student
- GET /empty-student-courses - List courses without students
- GET /empty-course-students - List students without courses
- /dashboard
Check postman collection for more info and payloads.