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Integration Tests Launcher
Canaveral was created to aid developing and maintaining integration test in codewise.com. This is new version that has less dependencies and is more flexible.
Currently junit 4.x, junit 5.x and test-ng is supported, but adding support for other runners is quite trivial.
Canaveral's biggest advantage is a big set of mocks that are easily configurable by custom dsl and such configuration can be copied from project to project while implementation details are hidden. The faster you can set your integration test the faster you can catch and remove bugs.
@ConfigureRunnerWith(configuration = ExampleRunnerConfiguration.class)
public abstract class ITBaseTest {
Some mocks have additional ref name, but this is optional as runner will provide name from mockProvider class.
public class ExampleRunnerConfiguration implements RunnerConfigurationProvider {
public RunnerConfiguration configure() {
return RunnerConfiguration.builder()
.withApplicationProvider(new SpringBootApplicationProvider(MySpringBootApp.class, ...))
.withSystemProperties("spring.profiles.active", "test")
.withSystemProperty("default.service.property", "ok")
.withSystemProperties("aws.correlator.timeoutMillis", "5000")
.provideMock("http", HttpNoDepsMockProvider.newConfig()
.withRules(rules -> rules
.whenCalledWith(Method.GET, "/path-to-resource")
.withHeader("b", "3")
.withQueryParam("a", "1")
.thenRespondWith(Body.asJsonFrom("{\"name\": \"bob\"}"))
for more details see pl.codewise.samples.spring.it.BaseIT
in canaveral-samples module