This library was tested on ATmega 16 @ 8 MHz.
- Search ROM functionality.
- Match ROM and Skip ROM functions.
- Configuration (resolution, TH and TL thresholds) read/write/load from EEPROM/save to EEPROM functionality.
Ds18b20Port port = {&DDRA, &PORTA, &PINA, PIN0};
Ds18b20Port *portPtr = &port;
uint8_t deviceCount = 10;
uint64_t *roms = malloc(deviceCount * sizeof(uint64_t));
ds18b20SearchRom(roms, deviceCount, portPtr);
for (int count = 0; count < deviceCount; count++) {
if (roms[count] != DS18B20_NOT_FOUND_ROM && roms[count] != DS18B20_ROM_CRC_ERROR) {
float temperature = ds18b20ReadTemperatureMatchRom(roms[count], portPtr);
if (temperature != DS18B20_TEMPERATURE_CRC_ERROR) {
// do something