This repository contains stimulus code that was used to map the M and P subdivisions of human LGN using fMRI in:
Denison, R. N., Vu, A. T., Yacoub, E., Feinberg, D. A., & Silver, M. A. (2014). Functional mapping of the magnocellular and parvocellular subdivisions of human LGN. NeuroImage, 102 Pt 2, 358–369.
Please cite our paper if you use this code.
The main function is runMPLocalizer.m
The isoluminance point is set in mpLocalizerColorParamsStim.m
To display alternating left-right flickering checkerboards to localize the LGN, runHemifieldMapping.m
The code runs on Matlab with Psychtoolbox. Your graphics card must be compatible with the following Psychtoolbox command: Screen('BlendFunction',win, GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
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