ipacheck is a Stata package for running high-frequency checks on research data at Innovations for Poverty Action, including:
- verifies that all surveys are completed.ipacheckdups
- identifies possible duplicate observations.ipacheckconsent
- verifies that all surveys have consent.ipachecknomiss
- verifies that certain variables have no missing values.ipacheckfollowup
- verifies consistency of data between rounds of data collection (e.g. baseline and follow up).ipachecklogic
- asserts that skip patterns are followed.ipacheckallmiss
- identifies variables who contain only missing values.ipacheckconstraints
- asserts that hard and soft constraints are followed.ipacheckspecify
- lists all values specified for variables with an 'other' category for possible recoding.ipacheckdates
- verifies consistency of date variables.ipacheckoutliers
- identifies possible outliers in numeric variables.ipatracksummary
- lists number of surveys completed by date.progreport
- lists surveys completed against sample/tracking list filtered by a variable.ipatrackversions
- lists number of surveys by date and version.ipacheckenum
- aggregates data by enumerator to assess performance.ipacheckresearch
- produces one- and two-way summaries of research variables.ipacheckids
- creates a formatted output sheet to compare differences between duplicate observations.
ipacheck comes with a folder structure for your project including a master do-file and Excel-based inputs sheets. Results of checks can be exported as nicely formatted Excel spreadsheets for distribution among field teams.
* ipacheck may be installed directly from GitHub
net install ipacheck, from("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/PovertyAction/high-frequency-checks/master/ado") replace
* after initial installation ipacheck can be updated at any time via
ipacheck update
* to start a new project with folder structure and input files
ipacheck new, surveys("SURVEY_NAME_1") folder("path/to/project")
* when starting a new project with multiple surveys, you can choose to use the subfolders option to create subfolders for each survey
ipacheck new, surveys("SURVEY_NAME_1" "SURVEY_NAME_2") folder("path/to/project") subfolders
* to obtain fresh copies of the master do-file and Excel inputs without creating the folder structure
ipacheck new, files
* to verify you have the latest versions of the commands
ipacheck version
If you encounter a clear bug, please file a minimal reproducible example on github. For questions and other discussion, please email us at [email protected].
- Christopher Boyer
- Caton Brewster
- Kelsey Larson
- Ishmail Azindoo Baako
- Isabel Onate
- Rosemarie Sandino