This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.
#Steps to Run This Assignment
1- Download the Xampp from here
2- Install the Xampp
3-Put the PHP file with the name of "spacex-api.php" in htdocs.
4- Congrats!! PHP enviornment for fetching the data is setup successfully!!
5-Now Run the Xampp and turn on the Apache Server.
6-Download this project and Open in VsCode and open terminal.
7-cd to project folder and run "npm start" and Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
8-Hurray!! SpaceX Rockets Data is fetched and displayed into ReactApp..
Link to Video: [link]((
This PR implements the SpaceX Data React app, fulfilling the requirements of the assignment given by the company. The key features and changes included in this PR are:
-Implemented the landing page layout using React and CSS.
-Fetched rockets data from the SpaceX API and displayed it in a grid format.
-Added search functionality to allow users to filter rockets by name.
-Updated the responsive design of the landing page components to ensure compatibility across different screen sizes.