Solve the PDE with fractal boundary.
Examples in the report
Ex1: On a 2D unit square where the top is replaced by triangle snowflake.
The data of flux is saved in Ex1_square_top_snowflake_adaptive/results. File named as Phi_Lam_n.csv where n is the number of interations for snowflake
Ex1-2: On a 2D unit square where the top is replaced by 1/5 square snowflake.
The data of flux is saved in Ex1_2_square_top_snowflake_sq_v2/results.
Ex2: On a 3D unit cube where the top is replaced by asymmetric square snowflake.
The data of flux is saved in Ex2_cube_top_snowflake_v3/results.
Ex3: On the unit square where each sides are replaced by square snowflake.
The code is under the folder Ex3_square_harmonic_adaptive