Releases: qld-gov-au/ckanext-xloader
Releases · qld-gov-au/ckanext-xloader
1.0.1-qgov.16 Add status badges and sync with upstream
What's Changed
- Merge upstream back into qld-gov-au Version by @duttonw in #106
- [Snyk] Fix for 4 vulnerabilities by @duttonw in #101
- Frontend Status Badges by @duttonw in #108
- fix: Move from static image to css badge which allows i18n more easily by @duttonw in #110
- fix: badges by @duttonw in #111
- fix: asset inclusion must be in the block being rendered, by @duttonw in #112
- Develop to master by @ThrawnCA in #114
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.15...1.0.1-qgov.16
1.0.1-qgov.15 Integrate with Validation plugin to delay XLoading unvalidated resources
What's Changed
- [Snyk] Security upgrade urllib3 from 2.0.7 to 2.2.2 by @duttonw in #99
- [Snyk] Security upgrade urllib3 from 2.0.7 to 2.2.2 by @duttonw in #100
- [Snyk] Security upgrade requests from 2.31.0 to 2.32.0 by @duttonw in #95
- [Snyk] Security upgrade zipp from 3.15.0 to 3.19.1 by @duttonw in #103
- [Snyk] Fix for 2 vulnerabilities by @duttonw in #102
- Validation Extension Support (Minified) by @JVickery-TBS in #104
- Develop -> Master: feat(dev): implement IPipeValidation + updates by @duttonw in #105
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.14...1.0.1-qgov.15
1.0.1-qgov.14 Make deadlock handling more forgiving
What's Changed
- [QOLSVC-3902] make deadlock handling slightly more forgiving by @ThrawnCA in #93
- Develop to master - handle potential deadlocks more gracefully by @ThrawnCA in #94
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.13...1.0.1-qgov.14
1.0.1-qgov.13 Restart sequences when truncating tables
What's Changed
- [QOLSVC-5551] restart all sequences when truncating table by @ThrawnCA in #91
- Develop to master by @ThrawnCA in #92
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.12...1.0.1-qgov.13
1.0.1-qgov.12 Make handling of imperfect files more robust
What's Changed
- [QOLSVC-4959] try direct COPY if type guessing fails by @ThrawnCA in #87
- [QOLSVC-5123] handle empty cells past end of row by @ThrawnCA in #89
- [QOLSVC-5123] skip rows that are completely blank instead of erroring out by @ThrawnCA in #90
- Develop to master - add fallback when type guessing fails by @ThrawnCA in #88
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.11...1.0.1-qgov.12
1.0.1-qgov.11 Automatically clear obsolete datastore entries
What's Changed
- Clean Datastore Tables Job by @JVickery-TBS in #67
- Develop to master - clear obsolete datastore entries and sync with upstream by @ThrawnCA in #86
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.10...1.0.1-qgov.11
Correctly treat zero as numeric, merge upstream work, add synchronous processing via CLI
What's Changed
- PY2 & PY3 String/Binary Fixes by @JVickery-TBS in #78
- [QOLCHG-440] add test case for type guessing when a field contains '0' by @ThrawnCA in #81
- [QOLSVC-4689] add CLI option to process datasets immediately, ckan#202 by @ThrawnCA in #82
- [QOLSVC-4689] make job titles more machine-readable by @ThrawnCA in #83
- Merge upstream changes into our fork by @ThrawnCA in #85
- Develop to master by @ThrawnCA in #84
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.9...1.0.1-qgov.10
1.0.1-qgov.9 Acquire locks earlier and retry on lock failure
1.0.1-qgov.8 Limit lock timeouts to avoid deadlock
What's Changed
- [QOLSVC-3902] reduce lock timeout to avoid deadlocks by @ThrawnCA in #75
- Develop to master - restrict lock timeout to prevent deadlocks by @ThrawnCA in #76
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.7...1.0.1-qgov.8
1.0.1-qgov.7 Add 'Delete Datastore' button and reduce reloading impact
What's Changed
- Use IDomainObjectModification Implementation by @JVickery-TBS in #69
- Delete Datastore Table Button by @JVickery-TBS in #68
- fix datastore delete button layout from #68 by @ThrawnCA in #70
- Fix datastore deletion button by @ThrawnCA in #74
- QOLSVC-3902 adjust loading behaviour to reduce deadlocks by @ThrawnCA in #73
- Develop to master - add button to delete datastore table by @ThrawnCA in #72
Full Changelog: 1.0.1-qgov.6...1.0.1-qgov.7