credit(AlexNet tutorial):
Predicting fMRI responses from the natural scene images.
Linearizing encoding approach: Images --> nonlinear feature extraction --> linear mapping(linear regression) --> fMRI
We experimented with several nonlinear feature extraction methods:
- AlexNet (Provided in the tutorial)
- ResNet 50 (Yixiao)
- ResNext 101 (Yixiao)
- ResNest 50 (Yixiao)
- VAE (Wenshuo)
- ResNet 50 & AlexNet mixture (Wenshuo)
To run the jupyter notebook:
- Get Natural Scene Dataset here:
- Upload the notebooks and the dataset to BC GPU machine to get enough memory
- Put the subject folders ("subj01" / "subj02" / "subj03" ...) and the notebooks under the same directory
- The notebook code can only run on one subject each time, select the subject id you want to run in the second code block (eg:"subj = 1" or "subj = 2" etc.)
- Run the notebook
To visualize ResNext result, put ResNext.ipynb and Res_Next_Result.ipynb under the same directory, then run ResNext.ipynb and run Res_Next_Result.ipynb
To run VAE_implemented.ipynb, download the pretrained model parameters here:
Results(for subj 01):