First of all, thanks for talking time to look at our issue :)
#How to setup the project
- Open the project with intellij, you will find the shared configuration in the project
- Add the following hostname in your /etc/hosts
- generate a new pair of keys if like or use the one I generated already. If you want to generate new one:
- go to keystore folder
cd keystore
- run the makefile
make all
- go to keystore folder
- add the keystore/ca/ca.crt in your trusted CA
- Run the configuration server, then eureka, and the hello world service
- Go to with chrome. You should have an answer like:
message: "Hello subject: CN=forgerock example CA,, O=ForgeRock, L=Bristol, ST=Avon, C=UK!",
authorities: [
authority: "AUTHENTICATED"
- I found easier to add the ca to the JVM truststore
sudo keytool -import -trustcacerts -noprompt -alias ca-forgerock-example-mtls -file ca.crt -keystore cacerts -storepass changeit
but I recon there are better ways to workaround that. You are welcome to share the right way to make zuul happy with the self-signed certificate! :)
- Run Zuul
- Access => You should have an answer like:
message: "Hello subject: CN=forgerock example CA,, O=ForgeRock, L=Bristol, ST=Avon, C=UK!",
authorities: [
authority: "AUTHENTICATED"