Conducted reproduction, evaluated code and article, organised research compendium, and test run by second STARS team member.
- Reproduction of the model in
- Evaluation of the code and article against guidelines (in
) - Summary report and reflections from reproduction
- Organised and documented reproduction to form a
research compendium
- Test-run of model by Tom Monks, attempting to run code from
- Removed one item from the scope - in-text result 1: "The strongest protective effect is seen with the N95 masks (nearly equivalent to a FFP2 mask), which has the effect of reducing the odds of transmission by 0.09". This was because I realised that this was not in fact a result, but just a statement of the parameter used in the model (to simulate the effect of wearing masks, you reduce the odds of transmission (p=0.15) by 0.09 (p=0.15*0.09) when you run the model).