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Removing SubscribeSessionFactory and SubscriptionConfiguration (#162)
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refactor(subscribe): removing SubscribeSessionFactory with SubscriptionConfiguration
refactor(subscribe): making SubscriptionSession class an internal
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jguz-pubnub authored Mar 28, 2024
1 parent c58d58e commit 34bcc9f
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Showing 31 changed files with 1,361 additions and 1,415 deletions.
19 changes: 16 additions & 3 deletions .swiftformat
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
# format options
# Format options
--indent 2
--commas inline

--disable wrapMultilineStatementBraces
--wraparguments before-first
--wrapparameters before-first
--maxwidth 130
--disable wrapSingleLineComments
--voidtype void
--redundanttype inferred
--self remove

# file options
--enable spaceAroundBrackets,spaceAroundComments,spaceAroundGenerics,spaceAroundParens,spaceInsideBraces
--enable spaceInsideBrackets,spaceInsideComments,spaceInsideGenerics,spaceInsideParens,trailingclosures,trailingCommas
--enable wrapConditionalBodies, wrapEnumCases, wrapLoopBodies
--enable redundantLetError,redundantParens,redundantSelf,redundantReturn,redundantBreak
--enable duplicateImports

# File options
--exclude .build

# Swift Version
--swiftversion 5.0
--swiftversion 5.8
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions .swiftlint.yml
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@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
warning: 130
ignores_comments: true
- identifier_name
Expand All @@ -11,6 +12,7 @@ excluded:
- .bundle
- fastlane
- Tests
- Pods
- force_unwrapping
- overridden_super_call
Expand Down
64 changes: 34 additions & 30 deletions PubNub.xcodeproj/project.pbxproj

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

338 changes: 338 additions & 0 deletions Sources/PubNub/DependencyContainer/DependencyContainer.swift
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,338 @@
// DependencyContainer.swift
// Copyright (c) PubNub Inc.
// All rights reserved.
// This source code is licensed under the license found in the
// LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import Foundation

// A protocol that represents a unique key for each dependency. Each type conforming to `DependencyKey`
// represents a distinct dependency.
protocol DependencyKey {
// A value associated with a given `DependencyKey`
associatedtype Value
// Creates a value of the type Value for a given `DependencyKey` if no existing dependency
// is found in the `DependencyContainer`. The `container` parameter is used in case of
// nested dependencies, i.e., when the dependency being created depends on other objects in the `DependencyContainer`.
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> Value

// The class that serves as a registry for dependencies. Each dependency is associated with a unique key
// conforming to the `DependencyKey` protocol.
class DependencyContainer {
private var resolvedValues: [ObjectIdentifier: any Wrappable] = [:]
private var registeredKeys: [ObjectIdentifier: (key: any DependencyKey.Type, scope: Scope)] = [:]

// Defines the lifecycle of the given dependency
enum Scope {
// The dependency is owned by the container. It lives as long as the container itself lives.
// The dependency is strongly referenced by the container.
case container
// The container does not own the dependency. The dependency could be deallocated even if the container
// is still alive, if there are no more strong references to it.
case weak
// Indicates that the DependencyContainer doesn't keep any reference (neither strong nor weak) to the dependency.
// Each time the dependency is requested, a new instance is created and returned
case transient

init(instanceID: UUID = UUID(), configuration: PubNubConfiguration) {
register(value: configuration, forKey: PubNubConfigurationDependencyKey.self)
register(value: instanceID, forKey: PubNubInstanceIDDependencyKey.self)
register(key: FileURLSessionDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)
register(key: DefaultHTTPSessionDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)
register(key: HTTPSubscribeSessionDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)
register(key: HTTPPresenceSessionDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)
register(key: HTTPSubscribeSessionQueueDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)
register(key: PresenceStateContainerDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)
register(key: SubscribeEventEngineDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)
register(key: PresenceEventEngineDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)
register(key: SubscriptionSessionDependencyKey.self, scope: .weak)

subscript<K>(key: K.Type) -> K.Value where K: DependencyKey {
guard let underlyingKey = registeredKeys[ObjectIdentifier(key)] else {
preconditionFailure("Cannot find \(key). Ensure this key was registered before")
if underlyingKey.scope == .transient {
if let value = underlyingKey.key.value(from: self) as? K.Value {
return value
} else {
preconditionFailure("Cannot create value for key \(key)")
if let valueWrapper = resolvedValues[ObjectIdentifier(key)] {
if let underlyingValue = valueWrapper.value as? K.Value {
return underlyingValue
if let value = underlyingKey.key.value(from: self) as? K.Value {
if Mirror(reflecting: value).displayStyle == .class && underlyingKey.scope == .weak {
resolvedValues[ObjectIdentifier(key)] = WeakWrapper(value as AnyObject)
} else {
resolvedValues[ObjectIdentifier(key)] = ValueWrapper(value)
return value
preconditionFailure("Cannot create value for key \(key)")

func register<K: DependencyKey>(key: K.Type, scope: Scope = .container) {
registeredKeys[ObjectIdentifier(key)] = (key: key, scope: scope)

func register<K: DependencyKey>(value: K.Value?, forKey key: K.Type, in scope: Scope = .container) -> DependencyContainer {
guard let value = value else {
return self
registeredKeys[ObjectIdentifier(key)] = (key: key, scope: scope)

if Mirror(reflecting: value).displayStyle == .class && scope == .weak {
resolvedValues[ObjectIdentifier(key)] = WeakWrapper(value as AnyObject)
} else {
resolvedValues[ObjectIdentifier(key)] = ValueWrapper(value)

return self

typealias SubscribeEngine = EventEngine<any SubscribeState, Subscribe.Event, Subscribe.Invocation, Subscribe.Dependencies>
typealias PresenceEngine = EventEngine<any PresenceState, Presence.Event, Presence.Invocation, Presence.Dependencies>

extension DependencyContainer {
var configuration: PubNubConfiguration {

var instanceID: UUID {

var fileURLSession: URLSessionReplaceable {

var subscriptionSession: SubscriptionSession {

var presenceStateContainer: PubNubPresenceStateContainer {

var defaultHTTPSession: SessionReplaceable {
session: self[DefaultHTTPSessionDependencyKey.self],
with: [automaticRetry].compactMap { $0 }

fileprivate var httpSubscribeSession: SessionReplaceable {
session: self[HTTPSubscribeSessionDependencyKey.self],
with: [instanceIDOperator].compactMap { $0 }

fileprivate var httpPresenceSession: SessionReplaceable {
session: self[HTTPPresenceSessionDependencyKey.self],
with: [instanceIDOperator].compactMap { $0 }

fileprivate var automaticRetry: RequestOperator? {

fileprivate var instanceIDOperator: RequestOperator? {
configuration.useInstanceId ? InstanceIdOperator(instanceID: instanceID.uuidString) : nil

fileprivate var httpSubscribeSessionQueue: DispatchQueue {

fileprivate var subscribeEngine: SubscribeEngine {

fileprivate var presenceEngine: PresenceEngine {

private extension DependencyContainer {
func resolveSession(session: SessionReplaceable, with operators: [RequestOperator]) -> SessionReplaceable {
session.defaultRequestOperator == nil ? session.usingDefault(requestOperator: MultiplexRequestOperator(
operators: operators
)) : session.usingDefault(requestOperator: session.defaultRequestOperator?.merge(
operators: operators

// - MARK: PubNubConfiguration

struct PubNubConfigurationDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> PubNubConfiguration {

struct PubNubInstanceIDDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> UUID {

// MARK: - HTTPSessions

struct DefaultHTTPSessionDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> SessionReplaceable {
HTTPSession(configuration: .pubnub)

struct HTTPSubscribeSessionDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> SessionReplaceable {
configuration: .subscription,
sessionQueue: container.httpSubscribeSessionQueue,
sessionStream: SessionListener(queue: container.httpSubscribeSessionQueue)

struct HTTPSubscribeSessionQueueDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> DispatchQueue {
DispatchQueue(label: "Subscribe Response Queue")

struct HTTPPresenceSessionDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> HTTPSession {
configuration: .pubnub,
sessionQueue: container.httpSubscribeSessionQueue,
sessionStream: SessionListener(queue: container.httpSubscribeSessionQueue)

// MARK: - FileURLSession

struct FileURLSessionDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> URLSessionReplaceable {
configuration: .pubnubBackground,
delegate: FileSessionManager(),
delegateQueue: .main

// MARK: - PresenceStateContainer

struct PresenceStateContainerDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> PubNubPresenceStateContainer {

// MARK: SubscribeEventEngine

struct SubscribeEventEngineDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> SubscribeEngine {
let effectHandlerFactory = SubscribeEffectFactory(
session: container.httpSubscribeSession,
presenceStateContainer: container.presenceStateContainer
let subscribeEngine = SubscribeEngine(
state: Subscribe.UnsubscribedState(),
transition: SubscribeTransition(),
dispatcher: EffectDispatcher(factory: effectHandlerFactory),
dependencies: EventEngineDependencies(value: Subscribe.Dependencies(configuration: container.configuration))
return subscribeEngine

// MARK: PresenceEventEngine

struct PresenceEventEngineDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> PresenceEngine {
let effectHandlerFactory = PresenceEffectFactory(
session: container.httpPresenceSession,
presenceStateContainer: container.presenceStateContainer
let presenceEngine = PresenceEngine(
state: Presence.HeartbeatInactive(),
transition: PresenceTransition(configuration: container.configuration),
dispatcher: EffectDispatcher(factory: effectHandlerFactory),
dependencies: EventEngineDependencies(value: Presence.Dependencies(configuration: container.configuration))
return presenceEngine

// MARK: - SubscriptionSession

struct SubscriptionSessionDependencyKey: DependencyKey {
static func value(from container: DependencyContainer) -> SubscriptionSession {
if container.configuration.enableEventEngine {
return SubscriptionSession(
strategy: EventEngineSubscriptionSessionStrategy(
configuration: container.configuration,
subscribeEngine: container.subscribeEngine,
presenceEngine: container.presenceEngine,
presenceStateContainer: container.presenceStateContainer
} else {
return SubscriptionSession(
strategy: LegacySubscriptionSessionStrategy(
configuration: container.configuration,
network: container.httpSubscribeSession,
presenceSession: container.httpPresenceSession

// Provides a standard interface for objects that wrap or encapsulate other objects in a dependency container context.
protocol Wrappable<T> {
associatedtype T
var value: T? { get }

// A concrete implementation of the `Wrappable` protocol, designed to hold a weak reference to the object it wraps.
// It only accepts classes (reference types) as its generic parameter, because weak references
// can only be made to reference types.
private class WeakWrapper<T: AnyObject>: Wrappable {
private weak var optionalValue: T?

var value: T? {

init(_ value: T) {
self.optionalValue = value

// Holds a strong reference to the object it wraps
private class ValueWrapper<T>: Wrappable {
let value: T?

init(_ value: T) {
self.value = value

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