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Add frequency segmentation and make SiteArray indexing work
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ptiede committed Dec 16, 2024
1 parent 8b2d72c commit 5d4d2b0
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Showing 5 changed files with 75 additions and 44 deletions.
16 changes: 15 additions & 1 deletion src/instrument/instrument.jl
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Expand Up @@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ struct IntegrationTime{T}
end, ts::IntegrationTime) = (ts.t0 - ts.dt/2) t < (ts.t0 + ts.dt), ts::IntegrationTime) = (ts.t0 - ts.dt/2) t < (ts.t0 + ts.dt/2)
Base.isless(t::IntegrationTime, ts::IntegrationTime) = t.t0 < ts.t0
Base.isless(s::Number, t::IntegrationTime) = s < (t.t0 - t.dt/2)
Base.isless(t::IntegrationTime, s::Number) = (t.t0 + t.dt/2) < s
mjd(ts::IntegrationTime) = ts.mjd, ::Base.Colon) = true

_center(ts::IntegrationTime) = ts.t0
_region(ts::IntegrationTime) = ts.dt

struct FrequencyChannel{T, I<:Integer}
Expand All @@ -24,6 +27,17 @@ struct FrequencyChannel{T, I<:Integer}
end, fs::FrequencyChannel) = (fs.central-fs.bandwidth/2) f < (fs.central+fs.bandwidth/2)
channel(fs::FrequencyChannel) =
Base.isless(t::FrequencyChannel, ts::FrequencyChannel) = _center(t) < _center(ts)
Base.isless(s::Number, t::FrequencyChannel) = s < (_center(t) - _region(t)/2)
Base.isless(t::FrequencyChannel, s::Number) = (_center(t) + _region(t)/2) < s, t::FrequencyChannel) = in(t, x), ::Base.Colon) = true

_center(fs::FrequencyChannel) = fs.central
_region(fs::FrequencyChannel) = fs.bandwidth

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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/instrument/model.jl
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Expand Up @@ -195,8 +195,8 @@ function _construct_baselinemap(T, F, bl, x::SiteArray)
t = T[i]
f = F[i]
s1, s2 = bl[i]
i1 = findall(x->(tx[1])&&(x[2]==s1), tsf)
i2 = findall(x->(tx[1])&&(x[2]==s2), tsf)
i1 = findall(x->(tx[1])&&(x[2]==s1)&&(fx[3]), tsf)
i2 = findall(x->(tx[1])&&(x[2]==s2)&&(fx[3]), tsf)
length(i1) > 1 && throw(AssertionError("Multiple indices found for $t, $((s1)) in SiteArray"))
length(i2) > 1 && throw(AssertionError("Multiple indices found for $t, $((s2)) in SiteArray"))
(isnothing(i1) | isempty(i1)) && throw(AssertionError("$t, $f, $((s1)) not found in SiteArray"))
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21 changes: 15 additions & 6 deletions src/instrument/priors/array_priors.jl
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Expand Up @@ -71,40 +71,49 @@ function build_sitemap(d::ArrayPrior, array)
# Ok to so this we are going to construct the schema first over sites.
# At the end we may re-order depending on the schema ordering we want
# to use.
tlists = map(keys(sites_prior)) do s
lists = map(keys(sites_prior)) do s
seg = segmentation(sites_prior[s])
# get all the indices where this site is present
inds_s = findall(x->((x[1]==s)||x[2]==s), array[:sites])
# Get all the unique times
ts = unique(T[inds_s])
fs = unique(F[inds_s])
# Now makes the acceptable time stamps given the segmentation
tstamp = timestamps(seg, array)
fchan = freqchannels(SpectralWindow(), array)
# Now we find commonalities
times = eltype(tstamp)[]
for t in tstamp
if any(x->xt, ts) && (!(t.t0 times))
freqs = eltype(fchan)[]
for t in tstamp, f in fchan
if any(x->xt, ts) && any(x->xf, fs) && ((!(t.t0 times)) || (!(f.central freqs)))
push!(times, t)
push!(freqs, f)
return times
return times, freqs
tlists = first.(lists)
flists = last.(lists)
# construct the schema
slist = mapreduce((t,s)->fill(s, length(t)), vcat, tlists, keys(sites_prior))
tlist = reduce(vcat, tlists)
flist = reduce(vcat, flists)

tlistre = similar(tlist)
slistre = similar(slist)
flistre = similar(flist)
# Now rearrange so we have time site ordering (sites are the fastest changing)
tuni = sort(unique(getproperty.(tlist, :t0)))
ind0 = 1
for t in tuni
ind = findall(x->x.t0==t, tlist)
tlistre[ind0:ind0+length(ind)-1] .= tlist[ind]
slistre[ind0:ind0+length(ind)-1] .= slist[ind]
flistre[ind0:ind0+length(ind)-1] .= flist[ind]
ind0 += length(ind)
freqs = Fill(F[1], length(tlistre))
return SiteLookup(tlistre, freqs, slistre)
return SiteLookup(tlistre, flistre, slistre)

function ObservedArrayPrior(d::ArrayPrior, array::EHTArrayConfiguration)
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30 changes: 23 additions & 7 deletions src/instrument/priors/segmentation.jl
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Expand Up @@ -11,21 +11,25 @@ the following functions:
abstract type Segmentation end

abstract type TimeSegmentation <: Segmentation end

abstract type FrequencySegmentation <: Segmentation end

# Track is for quantities that remain static across an entire observation
Data segmentation such that the quantity is constant over a `track`, i.e., the observation "night".
struct TrackSeg <: Segmentation end
struct TrackSeg <: TimeSegmentation end

# Scan is for quantities that are constant across a scan
Data segmentation such that the quantity is constant over a `scan`.
struct ScanSeg <: Segmentation end
struct ScanSeg <: TimeSegmentation end

# Integration is for quantities that change every integration time
Expand All @@ -35,10 +39,10 @@ struct ScanSeg <: Segmentation end
Data segmentation such that the quantity is constant over the time stamps in the data.
If the data is scan-averaged before then `IntegSeg` will be identical to `ScanSeg`.
struct IntegSeg <: Segmentation end
struct IntegSeg <: TimeSegmentation end

timestamps(seg::Segmentation, array::AbstractArrayConfiguration)
timestamps(seg::TimeSegmentation, array::AbstractArrayConfiguration)
Return the time stamps or really a vector of integration time regions for a
given segmentation scheme `seg` and array configuration `array`.
Expand All @@ -48,10 +52,11 @@ function timestamps end
function timestamps(::ScanSeg, array)
st = array.scans
mjd = array.mjd

# Shift the central time to the middle of the scan
dt = (st.stop .- st.start)
dt[end] = dt[end]+0.5
t0 = st.start .+ dt./2

return IntegrationTime.(mjd, t0, dt)

Expand All @@ -60,7 +65,6 @@ end

function timestamps(::IntegSeg, array)
ts = unique(array[:Ti])
st = array.scans
mjd = array.mjd

# TODO build in the dt into the data format
Expand All @@ -74,14 +78,26 @@ function timestamps(::IntegSeg, array)

function timestamps(::TrackSeg, array)
st = array.scans
mjd = array.mjd

tstart, tend = extrema(array[:Ti])
tend = tend + 1
dt = tend - tstart
if iszero(dt)
dt = 1/3600
# TODO build in the dt into the data format
return (IntegrationTime(mjd, (tend-tstart)/2 + tstart, dt),)

struct SpectralWindow <: FrequencySegmentation end

function freqchannels(::SpectralWindow, array)
Fr = unique(array[:Fr])
if length(Fr) > 1
Fr[end] = nextfloat(Fr[end])
return FrequencyChannel.(Fr, array.bandwidth, 1:length(Fr))
48 changes: 20 additions & 28 deletions src/instrument/site_array.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ which will grab the first 10 time and frequency points for the ALMA site.
Otherwise indexing into the array will return an element whose time, frequency, and site are
the element of the `times`, `frequencies`, and `sites` arrays respectively.
struct SiteArray{T, N, A<:AbstractArray{T,N}, Ti<:AbstractArray{<:IntegrationTime, N}, Fr<:AbstractArray{<:Number, N}, Sy<:AbstractArray{<:Any, N}} <: AbstractArray{T, N}
struct SiteArray{T, N, A<:AbstractArray{T,N}, Ti<:AbstractArray{<:IntegrationTime, N}, Fr<:AbstractArray{<:FrequencyChannel, N}, Sy<:AbstractArray{<:Any, N}} <: AbstractArray{T, N}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,47 +111,36 @@ function site(arr::SiteArray, p)

function time(arr::SiteArray, a::Union{AbstractInterval, IntegrationTime})
function time(arr::SiteArray, a::Union{AbstractInterval, Real})
inds = findall(in(a), times(arr))
nd = view(parent(arr), inds)
return SiteArray(nd, view(times(arr), inds), view(frequencies(arr), inds), view(sites(arr), inds))

function frequency(arr::SiteArray, a::Union{AbstractInterval, FrequencyChannel})
function frequency(arr::SiteArray, a::Union{AbstractInterval, Real})
inds = findall(in(a), times(arr))
nd = view(parent(arr), inds)
return SiteArray(nd, view(times(arr), inds), view(frequencies(arr), inds), view(sites(arr), inds))

_equalorin(x::T, y::T) where {T} = x == y
_equalorin(x::Real, y) = x y
_equalorin(x, y::Real) = y x
_equalorin(x, y) = y x
_equalorin(x, ::typeof(Base.Colon())) = true
const Indexable = Union{Integer, AbstractArray{<:Integer}, BitArray}

@inline function _maybe_all(arr, X)
if X isa Base.Colon
ext = extrema(arr)
return ClosedInterval(ext[1], ext[2])
return X

function Base.getindex(arr::SiteArray; F=Base.Colon(), S=Base.Colon(), T=Base.Colon())
T2 = _maybe_all(times(arr), T)
F2 = _maybe_all(frequencies(arr), F)
S2 = S isa Base.Colon ? unique(sites(arr)) : S
return select_region(arr, S2, T2, F2)

function select_region(arr::SiteArray, S::Symbol, T::Union{Real, AbstractInterval}, F::Union{Real, AbstractInterval})
select_region(arr, (S,), T, F)

function select_region(arr::SiteArray, site, Ti::Union{Real, AbstractInterval}, Fr::Union{Real, AbstractInterval})
inds = findall(i->((Comrade.sites(arr)[i] site)&&(Ti Comrade.times(arr)[i])&&(Fr Comrade.frequencies(arr)[i])), eachindex(arr))
function Base.getindex(arr::SiteArray; Fr=Base.Colon(), S=Base.Colon(), Ti=Base.Colon())
Fr2 = isa(Fr, Indexable) ? unique(arr.frequencies)[Fr] : Fr
S2 = isa(S, Indexable) ? unique(arr.sites)[S] : S
Ti2 = isa(Ti, Indexable) ? unique(arr.times)[Ti] : Ti
inds = findall(i->(_equalorin(S2, Comrade.sites(arr)[i])&&_equalorin(Ti2, Comrade.times(arr)[i])&&_equalorin(Fr2, Comrade.frequencies(arr)[i])), eachindex(arr))
nd = view(parent(arr), inds)
return SiteArray(nd, view(times(arr), inds), view(frequencies(arr), inds), view(sites(arr), inds))

struct SiteLookup{L<:NamedTuple, N, Ti<:AbstractArray{<:IntegrationTime, N}, Fr<:AbstractArray{<:Number, N}, Sy<:AbstractArray{<:Any, N}}

struct SiteLookup{L<:NamedTuple, N, Ti<:AbstractArray{<:IntegrationTime, N}, Fr<:AbstractArray{<:FrequencyChannel, N}, Sy<:AbstractArray{<:Any, N}}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,7 +193,10 @@ function SiteArray(a::AbstractArray, map::SiteLookup)
return SiteArray(a, map.times, map.frequencies, map.sites)

function SiteArray(data::SiteArray{T, N}, times::AbstractArray{<:IntegrationTime, N}, frequencies::AbstractArray{<:Number, N}, sites::AbstractArray{<:Number, N}) where {T, N}
function SiteArray(data::SiteArray{T, N},
times::AbstractArray{<:IntegrationTime, N},
frequencies::AbstractArray{<:FrequencyChannel, N},
sites::AbstractArray{<:Number, N}) where {T, N}
return data

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