Rift-Metric is an analytics engine for League of Legends.
Currently it is capable of digesting data from the Riot API and presenting it in the form of plots of the data over the League minimap. Development is currently underway on features to provide insight and feedback to players to improve their play using historical data of their own matches and those of their peers.
Create new heroku app follow the instructions for using heroku's git and installing the heroku toolbelt
Clone repo git clone https://github.com/prsauer/rift-metric.git
Setup your heroku environment variables --You will need a key to the Riot API!
Install postgres for heroku see (https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/heroku-postgresql)
Run the initial migration heroku run rake db:migrate
Start using the gathering api to collect data (assuming you have a rate limited Riot API key)