Move a JavaScript file and update all affected requires (in the file and references to the file) automatically.
npm install -g mvjs
cd /path/to/my/project
mvjs myfile.js newlocation.js
var mvjs = require('mvjs');
options: object with the following keys:
fromPath: (required) source path of the .js file to move, absolute or relative to rootDir
toPath: (required) destination path of the moved .js file, absolute or relative to rootDir
rootDir: (optional) project root directory that gets recursively scanned for references to the file to move
default: process.cwd()
filter: (optional) function to call with the path and modified contents of every file that references the moved .js
file via require(), so you can do regex substitution or the like. if the function returns a value,
that value will overwrite the file.
function(modifiedFile, fileContents) { return fileContents.replace(/someVar/g, 'anotherVar'); }
cb: (optional) function to call when move is complete, called with an error, if any, as the first parameter
and an array of modified filenames as the second
function(err, filesModified) { ... }
fromPath: 'myfile.js',
toPath: 'newlocation.js',
rootDir: '/path/to/my/project',
filter: function(modifiedFile, fileContents) {
return fileContents.replace(/someVar/g, 'anotherVar');
}, function(err, filesModified) {
if (!err) {
console.log('Requires updated in files:', filesModified.join(', '));
MIT. See included LICENSE file.