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A.R.S Profiles

Joshua Cleland edited this page Mar 7, 2017 · 2 revisions

Multiple A.R.S Profiles!!

We've made it so you can store multiple A.R.S Profiles
And than load, save at any time.
By default you have no profiles. just your normal A.R.S File.
you can check by typing .profiles

Creating a fresh profile.

.create -p profile-name

Deleting a profile

.delete -p profile-name

Alright let's save your current A.R.S File to a profile.

.save -p profile-name

change profile-name to whatever.
Now if you type .profiles you will see it listed!
Now, type .wipeauto to clear your current A.R.S File.
And let's create one more for testing.

.save -p beta

Now add whatever you want, play around as you wish.
None of the keys from your original will be available until you switch back!
You can switch back by typing:

.load -p profile-name

Type .viewauto and there's all your original rules!
As of now you can have unlimited amounts of profiles.

Grabbing your A.R.S File

Bot Masters can grab the server A.R.S File and than configure it!
Once you're done just drag the autoresponse.json file into your server.
Echo will do the rest! ^.^

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