The application configures workflows to run on Rex. A particular workflow can consist of multiple Rex tasks
interlinked together. Each Rex task represents a particular step that needs to be run to achieve the overall goal of the
workflow. Each Rex task will coordinate with a PNC service via Dingrogu's adapter
The latter acts as the bridge between the Rex world (generic task coordinator with its own DTOs) and the PNC services.
We want to have workflows for:
- repository creation (talking with Repour)
- brew push (talking with Causeway)
- build process (multiple applications)
- deliverables-analysis (talking with Deliverables Analyzer)
You can run your application using:
./mvnw clean install -DskipTests=true
java -jar application/target/dingrogu-runner.jar
The project is configured to build a uber-jar by default.
When creating the tasks to send to Rex, we'll create a graph request (aka workflow
in Dingrogu) containing tasks, and
the dependencies between the tasks. Each graph request has its own unique correlation id.
Each task uses the Request
DTO to tell Rex:
- an endpoint to start the request and its payload
- an endpoint to cancel the request and its payload
- the payload and headers and the HTTP method
- mdc values
The Request
we define in the graph request gets transformed by Rex into:
DTOs before sending that DTO to the target service.
The StartRequest
DTO contains:
- positiveCallback
- negativeCallback
- payload
- mdc map
- taskResults map (in case a task needs the result of a dependant task)
graph TD
Rex(Rex Task) -->|StartRequest| Service
Rex -->|StopRequest for cancel| Service
A workflow (Dingrogu term) is the set of tasks we need to run to coordinate a particular process, and the dependency link between them to run the tasks in sequence. A workflow in Dingrogu is equivalent to the graph we'll send to Rex to coordinate the tasks.
graph TD
A(CreateGraphRequest generated from Dingrogu) -->|Request 1| Rex1(Rex task 1)
A(CreateGraphRequest generated from Dingrogu) -->|Request 2| Rex2(Rex task 2)
Rex1 -->|StartRequest| DinGroguAdapterService1(Dingrogu Adapter Endpoint Service 1)
DinGroguAdapterService1-->|Service 1 Body| ActualService1(Actual Service 1 API)
Rex2 -->|StartRequest| DinGroguAdapterService2(Dingrogu Adapter Endpoint Service 2)
DinGroguAdapterService2 -->|Service 2 Body| ActualService2(Actual Service 2 API)
Since Rex sends the StartRequest
DTO to the targeted service, and none of the PNC services understands that DTO,
we need an adapter endpoint to translate the StartRequest
DTO to the service's DTO.
This in turn requires the need to share enough information to the adapter endpoints to be able to send the right request.
To be able to track the relationship between a particular workflow, the adapter endpoint, and Rex, we do the following:
graph TD
Requestor(Requestor) -->|1 Requestor starts the workflow request| Dingrogu(Dingrogu)
Dingrogu -->|3 Dingrogu sends the same correlation id back to the Requestor| Requestor
Dingrogu -->|2 Dingrogu generates a unique correlation id for the graph request to Rex| Rex
When a requester sends a request to start a workflow, Dingrogru generates a unique correlation id and sends it back to the requester. The requester can then use that id to cancel the workflow, or to track the progress of the workflow.
Dingrogu uses the same correlation id for the graph request it submits to Rex. This allows Dingrogu to forward any future request from the requester for that workflow to Rex (like cancelling a workflow run).
This is also useful for the adapter endpoints: they will be provided with the correlation id for both the request and the callback, which they can potentially use to query Rex on the status of the different tasks for that correlation id.
Sending a request from a Rex task to the PNC service via the adapter
graph TD
RexTask(Rex Task A) -->|correlation id + DTO| Adapter(Adapter Endpoint A)
Adapter --> |1 Optional: Queries Rex for task results for that correlation id| Rex
Adapter --> |2 Use previous result to generate DTO for PNC service| PNCService(PNC Service A)
Receiving a callback result from PNC service to the Rex task via the adapter
graph TD
PNCService(PNC Service A) -->|Sends callback to adapter with correlation id when done| AdapterCallback(Callback Adapter Endpoint A)
AdapterCallback --> |1 Optional: Queries Rex for task results for that correlation id| Rex
AdapterCallback --> |2 Use previous result to generate DTO for Rex callback| RexTask(Rex task A Callback)
# Dingrogu returns the correlation id to the requestor
POST /workflow/<name>/start
# Cancelling a workflow
POST /workflow/id/<correlation id>/cancel
# Start a task. The adapter will set the callback url for the service to the adapter callback endpoint
POST /adapter/<name of adapter task>/<correlation id>/start
# Callback from a PNC service to a task
POST /adapter/<name of adapter task>/<correlation id>/callback
# To cancel a specific task
POST /adapter/<name of adapter task>/<correlation id>/cancel
For now, a specific adapter endpoint is implemented to only satisfy a specific Rex task. We may change this in the future.
This application consists of 2 parts:
- The creation of the workflow to send to Rex (
module) - An adapter part (
module) that translates Rex'sStartRequest
(aka cancel) DTOs to the specific application DTO, as well as handling of callbacks from the application back to Rex
Rex, the adapter part, and how everything is interlinked together is explained in the following sections.
module holds any code that can be shared with different modulesapi
module holds any DTOs and REST interfaces that could be used to generate both client and server coderest-adapter
modules are the REST server code that implements the REST interface.application
module combines all the modules together to form the final Quarkus runner jar
The WorkflowEndpoint uses the implementations of the Workflow
interface to generate the full graph request for Rex.
The Workflow
implementations use the Adapter
implementations to generate the specific Rex task DTO, then links the
Rex tasks together.
The Adapter
implementations are also used to handle the translation of Rex's StartRequest
and StopRequest
to the
specific PNC service.
Each Rex task has a corresponding Adapter
- Unique queue per workflow to have QoS and its own queue size
- Atomic running of group of tasks; if there's a failure, the group of tasks are run again
- Query Rex for the current state of affairs to get previous run data