You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 20
AWS CodeBuild CI
create access token/secret from AWS IAM and run aws configure to input these credentials.
authenticate docker client to ECR, e.g.:
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-2 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin 598751968580.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com
- define Dockerfile and build each image
note: I had to update docker to enable swap to build successfully
also: asgard-containers is my ECR repo name
from directory containing Dockerfile: docker build -t [image_name] .
- tag image
docker tag [image_name]:latest 598751968580.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/asgard-containers:[image_name]
- push to ECR
docker push 598751968580.dkr.ecr.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/asgard-containers:[image_name]
navigate to https://github.com/settings/tokens
click developer settings on left sidebar
click personal access tokens on left sidebar
create new personal access token with repo and repo hook scopes enabled
note: started from example at: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codebuild/latest/userguide/sample-ecr.html
- create build project: on CodeBuild landing page, click "Create Build Project".
under source section: Github, select repo in my github account radio. ensure report build status radio also selected.
under primary source webhook, select rebuild on change radio.
for our project, used PULL_REQUEST_CREATED or _CHANGED event types.
under start a build under conditions, add github user ids (not usernames, see https://api.github.com/users/[your_user_name]). this will prevent users from opening PRs/running builds that run up bills. may not need if repo access is carefully managed.
under environment, select custom image, and choose the ECR repo/Docker image you want to build. under additional config, select needed hardware.
under buildspec, choose insert build commands, and enter the commands you need to run, e.g.:
version: 0.2
run-as: mpiuser
#If you use the Ubuntu standard image 2.0 or later, you must specify runtime-versions.
#If you specify runtime-versions and use an image other than Ubuntu standard image 2.0, the build fails.
# name: version
# name: version
# - command
# - command
# - command
# - command
run-as: mpiuser
- mkdir build && cd build
- make -j 8
- ctest
# - command
# - command
# - command
# - command
# - location
# - location
#base-directory: location
#discard-paths: yes
#file-format: JunitXml | CucumberJson
# - location
# - location
#name: $(date +%Y-%m-%d)
#discard-paths: yes
#base-directory: location
# - paths
- run the build to establish webhook in Github. a webhook for the build should appear in https://github.com/[project]/[repo]/settings/hooks
you can click on webhooks to view the payload/response for triggering events, helpful for debugging.
clicking edit will allow you to change triggering events - at least pull request and push should be enabled.
- finally, update branch protection rules at https://github.com/[project]/[repo]/settings/hooks
click the checkboxes for any builds you want to require before merge.
using the web management console. For AWS CLI method, see https://awscli.amazonaws.com/v2/documentation/api/latest/reference/codebuild/index.html.
log in to the AWS management console: https://console.aws.amazon.com.
click CodeBuild link.
From CodeBuild landing page, you can click on an existing build project name (e.g., asgard-unit-gxx
) to edit its configuration or view its history.
The edit button on this page has several options, but the most important are:
Configuration - allows for naming the project. also, checkbox "enable build badges" must be enabled to add as CI badge in Github.
Source - where AWS will fetch code from (Github repository). an access badge has been generated from Github and added to CodeBuild for authentication. also defines the triggering events for the build project. For us, these events are PULL_REQUEST_CREATED and _UPDATED, and merge into develop branch. This section also contains whitelist rules that disable all builds unless the developer's Github userid is listed in the rules.
Environment - test context, as defined by a container in Elastic Cloud Registry (ECR). adding packages/dependencies requires updating container files in ECR (accessible from the management console.
Buildspec - this is where test actions to run after the environment has been deployed are scripted.
Logs - option to output logs to CloudWatch should be checked so that build logs are stored.
You can click on the orange "Create Build Project" button on the CodeBuild landing page to define a new project.
See (https://github.com/project-asgard/asgard/wiki/AWS-CodeBuild-CI#3-create-build-projects-in-codebuild) above for notes on how to configure a new project. If the build project requires additional dependencies, our ECR containers will need to be updated. there are notes for how to build, tag, and push an image above (https://github.com/project-asgard/asgard/wiki/AWS-CodeBuild-CI#1-push-containers-to-aws-elastic-cloud-repository-ecr-to-provide-testing-context). please open an issue if additional information is needed.