LC LMS is a cutting-edge online learning management system built with Flutter, offering a seamless and engaging educational experience. This mobile app empowers users with a user-friendly interface, interactive content delivery, and robust features for efficient learning. Whether you're a student or an instructor, LC LMS provides a dynamic platform for accessing courses, submitting assignments, and fostering collaboration. Experience the future of online education with LC LMS – where innovation meets education, all in the palm of your hand.
LC LMS, crafted with the power of Dart and Flutter, redefines online learning. This dynamic app seamlessly blends innovation and education, providing a sleek, responsive, and user-friendly experience. Whether you're a student or instructor, dive into a world of interactive courses, streamlined assignments, and collaborative tools. LC LMS is the epitome of modern education, built for the future with Dart and Flutter's cutting-edge technology.
To start using this code follow the below steps to continue.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- Desktop / Laptop
- Flutter SDK Installed
Follow the below steps to run the application on your device.
- Clone the repo
git clone
- Open Project In IDE
Android Studio, VS Code, or any other Flutter Supported IDE
- Get Dependencies
flutter pub get
- Run
flutter run
- Authentication using RestAPI.
- Keep logged-in user by storing bearer token.
- Home Screen UI
- Bookmark screen with functionality
- Play a lesson from the bookmark to a specific time in the video.
- Enrolled Course Screen UI with functionality.
- Real-time course complete progress.
- Course modules
- Course lesson
- Previous or Next lesson system from the lesson screen
- Mark as complete a lesson
- After completing all lessons in a course students will get an animated dialogue to claim a certificate.
- GetX (For State management)
- http (For API request)
- flutter_svg (To display SVG icon in the app)
- lottie (To display animation in the app)
- shared_preferences (To store data in local storage)
- google_fonts (To use custom fonts)
- carousel_slider (For creating an image slider)
- page_view_dot_indicator (To show a slider dot indicator)
- flutter_staggered_grid_view (To make a user-friendly grid view)
- video_player & chewie (To play video from network or assets)