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Running CFR simulations

Neal W Morton edited this page Oct 18, 2018 · 2 revisions

Basic fitting

First, define a fit for an experiment by modifying the functions referenced by sim_def_cfrl.m. The main simulations so far use experiments 'cfr' and 'cdcfr2', with the fit 'full_wikiw2v'.

For example, to run a quick parameter search for all subjects:

res = indiv_search_cfrl('cdcfr2', 'full_wikiw2v', 'search_type', 'de_fast', 'n_workers', 6);

This gives a basic output of results. Next, save the results in standard format, under the "res_dir" (results directory) specified in get_exp_info_cfrl.m.

[res_file, stats] = save_search_cfrl(res, 'cdcfr2', 'full_wikiw2v');

To generate some simulated data, based on the latest search results file for a given experiment and fit:

data = run_indiv_best_params_cfrl('cdcfr2', 'full_wikiw2v');
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