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This repository contains code for analyses reported in:

Morton NW, Zippi EL, Preston AR. In press. Memory reactivation and suppression modulate integration of the semantic features of related memories in hippocampus. Cerebral Cortex.

Analysis procedure

The following steps are designed to reproduce all analyses presented in the paper. While I have attempted to include all necessary commands, the procedure has not been repeated since the original run, and may be missing some steps.

In the protocol shown below, commands are run on a high-performance computing cluster using the Slurm scheduler with the EZlaunch package and Launcher. However, the analysis scripts should work on any Linux/Unix/WSL computing environment. Scripts are designed to process one subject/run at a time; the slaunch and rlaunch programs work with these scripts to run multiple subjects and/or runs in parallel using the cluster. The slaunch and rlaunch programs require that Slurm and Launcher are installed.

Help for scripts can be displayed by calling it with no arguments (for the shell .sh scripts) or with the --help argument (for the Python .py scripts).


Tested on the Lonestar 6 cluster with Python 3.9.

Steps to run installation (only needs to be run once):

python3 -m venv ~/software/venv/bender_study
. ~/software/venv/bender_study/bin/activate
pip install -U pip
pip install numpy scipy nibabel scikit-learn
mkdir -p ~/analysis && cd ~/analysis
cd PyMVPA || git clone && cd PyMVPA
module load swig
python build_ext
python install
pip install git+
pip install ezlaunch mindstorm
cd bender_study || git clone [email protected]:prestonlab/bender_study.git && cd bender_study
pip install -e .

Set up environment to run scripts (run on each login). The .profile will need to be edited for your specific setup (e.g., indicating where the data are located and where figures should be saved).

. ~/analysis/bender_study/.profile


Basic preprocessing was done using fPrep 1.0.0 (originally called FAT). See the fPrep project for details. After basic preprocessing, functional data were motion-corrected, unwarped, and registered into a common space. Also had anatomical ROIs derived from FreeSurfer 5.3.0.

  • Convert DICOM files to NIfTI
    • bender_02
  • Reorganize files and merge across days
    • slaunch -J clean_subj " {}" $SUBJIDS
  • Preprocess BOLD scans
    • rlaunch -J prep_bold " $STUDYDIR/{s}/BOLD/{r}" $SUBJIDS $ALLRUNS
  • Run cortical reconstruction
    • slaunch -J run_freesurfer " {} 32" $SUBJIDS
  • Convert FreeSurfer output
    • slaunch -J convert_freesurfer " {}" $SUBJIDS
  • Register FreeSurfer output to main images
    • slaunch -J reg_freesurfer " {}" $SUBJIDS
  • Prepare fieldmap images for unwarping
    • slaunch -J prep_fieldmap " {}" $SUBJIDS
    • May need to adjust the --dte option for subsets of participants, as scanning parameters changed about halfway through scanning
  • Calculate unwarping of BOLD scans
    • rlaunch -J epi_reg " {s} {r}" $SUBJIDS $ALLRUNS
  • Unwarp and co-register BOLD scans
    • rlaunch -J reg_unwarp " {s} {r} study_1" $SUBJIDS $ALLRUNS

Smoothing and filtering

  • Apply spatial smoothing and temporal filtering to pre-exposure and study data
    • rlaunch -J smooth_susan " -f 32 -v /work/03206/mortonne/lonestar/bender/{s}/BOLD/antsreg/data/{r} /work/03206/mortonne/lonestar/bender/{s}/BOLD/{r}/fm/brainmask 4.0 /work/03206/mortonne/lonestar/bender/{s}/BOLD/antsreg/data/{r}_hpfsm" $SUBJIDS $PREXRUNS
    • rlaunch -J smooth_susan " -f 32 -v /work/03206/mortonne/lonestar/bender/{s}/BOLD/antsreg/data/{r} /work/03206/mortonne/lonestar/bender/{s}/BOLD/{r}/fm/brainmask 4.0 /work/03206/mortonne/lonestar/bender/{s}/BOLD/antsreg/data/{r}_hpfsm" $SUBJIDS $STUDYRUNS

Betaseries estimation

  • Set up model FSF files using FEAT. This would have involved first creating a template FSF file for one participant, and then modifying that template using string substitution in sed.
  • Estimate betaseries images with activation of each item in each run, for both pre-exposure and study data.
    • slaunch -J estimate_betaseries " {} prex_stim2 40" $SUBJIDS
    • slaunch -J estimate_betaseries " {} study_stim2 30" $SUBJIDS

Searchlight statmaps

  • Run a searchlight looking for item reactivation during BC study.
    • slaunch -J sl_item_react " {} brainmask cat_react_item2 item_react -o full -c both -d cat -s _stim2 -r 3 -p 100 -n 128" $SUBJIDS
  • Run a searchlight looking for item suppression during BC study.
    • slaunch -J sl_item_suppress " {} brainmask item_suppress_gvt item_suppress -o full -c both -d cat -s _stim2 -r 3 -p 100 -n 128" $SUBJIDS
  • Run a searchlight looking for item reactivation that predicts AC accuracy.
    • slaunch -J sl_item_react_sme " {} brainmask cat_react_item_sme2 item_react_sme -o full -c both -d cat -s _stim2 -r 3 -p 100 -n 128" $SUBJIDS
  • Run a searchlight over study-phase item betaseries images, to find where the A model correlation minus the BC model correlation is greater for correct compared to incorrect trials.
    • slaunch -J sl_model " {} brainmask a-bcxy study_wiki_w2v_fix_cont_a_bc_sme -s _stim2 -p 100 -n 128" $SUBJIDS
  • Run a searchlight over study-phase item betaseries images, to find where the AC model correlation minus the B model correlation is greater for correct compared to incorrect trials.
    • slaunch -J sl_model " {} brainmask ac-bx study_wiki_w2v_fix_cont_ac_bx_sme -s _stim2 -p 100 -n 128" $SUBJIDS

Searchlight group analysis

  • Run all steps of group voxel threshold analysis.
    • -m /work/03206/mortonne/lonestar/bender/gptemplate/highres_brain_all/gp_template_mni_affine_mask.nii.gz -i BSpline -a 0.01 -p 100 mvpa/cat_react_item2 $SUBJNOS
  • Estimate smoothness for each run within a given mask.
    • rlaunch -J res_smoothness " {s} {r} study_stim2 $WORK/bender/gptemplate/highres_brain_all/b_gray.nii.gz 128" $SUBJIDS $STUDYRUNS
  • Calculate average smoothness and run 3dClustSim to estimate a null distribution of cluster sizes.
    • $SUBJNOS $STUDYRUNS study_stim2 $WORK/bender/gptemplate/highres_brain_all/b_gray.nii.gz
  • Display cluster correction results for the specified ROIs.
    • mvpa/cat_react_item2 study_stim2 b_phc b_prc b_ifg_insula b_mpfc b_gray

Searchlight followup analysis

  • Create individual participant masks for significant searchlight clusters.
  • Calculate individual reactivation dissimilarity matrices (pre-exposure to study phase).
    • cat_react_item2_lprc_dil1c -s _stim2
  • Calculate individual representational dissimilarity matrices during the study phase.
    • cat_react_item2_lprc_dil1c -s _stim2

Prepare model of semantics

  • Create wiki2vec model of semantic similarity for the stimulus pool
    • See instructions in the wiki2vec repository.
  • Convert from MAT-file format to NPZ
    • bender-convert-model ~/work/bender/batch/models3/allstim/mat_wiki_w2v.mat ~/work/bender/batch/semantics/wiki_w2v.npz

Analysis notebooks

Notebooks are stored in the jupyter directory. To run, install Jupyter Lab and the notebook kernel using:

pip install jupyterlab
python -m ipykernel install --user --name bender_study

You must have your virtual environment installed when you run this. Set up necessary environment variables by editing .profile for your system; you must indicate where to find data and searchlight results, and where to save figures. Set up the Bash environment using source .profile. Launch Jupyter Lab using jupyter lab &.

  • Plot elements of analysis schematic figure.
    • plot_schematic.ipynb
  • Analyze behavioral test performance and plot.
    • plot_behav.ipynb
  • Examine reactivation of A item perceptual templates during BC study.
    • plot_react_stats.ipynb
  • Examine regions with reactivation that predicts subsequent AC inference.
    • plot_sme_stats.ipynb
  • Visualize the semantic similarity model.
    • plot_semantics.ipynb
  • Examine the relationship between item suppression and AC semantic integration.
    • plot_react_sem.ipynb