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@prescottprue prescottprue released this 28 Mar 06:56

Breaking Changes

  • Removed createTestEnvFile command (in favor of dynamically generated)
  • firebase-admin must be installed as a peer dependency (and passed into plugin)
  • Plugin now requires 3 arguments (on, config, and admin) instead of 1
  • baseUrl and FIREBASE_PROJECT_ID are no longer set by plugin


  • feat(callFirestore): support complex where queries (nested array passed to settings)
  • feat(callFirestore): support direction for orderBy
  • chore(types): improve query types for callRtdb and callFirestore tasks
  • chore(tests): remove tests which mock admin SDK (emulators are now used)
  • chore(tests): add a test for confirming firestore collection delete
  • chore(tests): add a tests for different firestore get query options
  • chore(tests): switch rtdb tests back to async/await
  • chore(tests): improve attachCustomCommands tests
  • chore(build): add size-limit for checking library size (check in CI workflow)

As well as all changes from v1.0.0 pre-releases