** Please prepare Arduino with a sample sketch shared here** ** Pair it with your smartphone with default password 1234 [this is for HC-05]** ** Build your Flutter app shared the main.dart and pubspec.yaml**
** How To***
1 Wire your Arduio Uno (I used Clone) as per the given Sketch.
2 Upload the Sketch to Arduino.
3 Pair your HC-05 with your phone, default password is "1234"
4 Build your app, shared the main.dart and yaml file, please keep minimum sdk as 19.
5 Launch your app, ,make sure you have turned Bluetooth ON on your mobile and paired your HC-05.
***How it Works HC SR-04 is an unltrasonic sensor that sends the ultrasonic sound waves and calculates distance between the object from which waves got bounced back. HC-05 is the Bluetooth Module for Arduino.