Code to print psychometric charts easily in python. The following steps demostrate the code:
1: import psychochart.
2: Call psycochart.plot_psy_chart function.
3: If required plot additional points on the chart.
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import psycochart_full as psycochart
#code to generate graph
#x-limits unit - temperature
#y-limits unit - [kg of water vapor /kg of dry air]
#'y' stands for yes
#'p' = pressure [N/m^2]
figure,axes = psycochart.plot_psy_chart(x_low_limit = -10,x_upp_limit = 60,y_low_limit = 0,y_upp_limit = 0.03, p = 101325, RH_lines = 'y',H_lines = 'y',WB_lines = 'y')
a = [[50,0.007],[40, 0.006],[30,0.003]] # list 'a'
figure,axes = psycochart.plot_points(a,figure,axes, col = 'r', typ = '-', grid = 'on') #code to plot points in list 'a'
1: Copy paste in your directory (folder containing other codes).
2: Run to test/understand the code. If you get errors, contact me.
CoolProp version: 6.1.1 or higher - clone it using GIT
Matplotlib latest version - install using pip/conda
Has capabilities to manipulate the graph
Plot points after graph is generated
Plot lines/multiplines/shapes/ points at run time.
Get property data of ploted shapes/lines/points.
Look at Ultimate_Version_Capabilities.mp4
Add more graph styles and options
Add comfort region
Add additional units
Work on reducing display time
Work on manipulating exsisting poinnts in Ultimate version
Feel free to reach out for Ultimate Version/Collaborations/Requests/Questions.
Deadline for completing future work: 15 July.
Thank you.