This application was made with a motive to help the casualties that are affected during any Calamity .
The application can be used to provide a Direct interface between any relief Centre and the Helper (Donor) who wants to provide some relief material to the affected people by the calamity.
The application works by letting any affected local of the area to set up a relief Centre by Registering in the app.
Once the Relief Centre has been established it can start registration for the inmates which are stranded and are looking for any help from the authorities.
The Relief Centre can thus apply for the requirements of the inmates , which are available to every normal users ( Donors ) of the application and thus can provide any assistance to the affected people .
The application can also be used to directly contact the heads of the Relief Centre , nearby Hospitals and Police Stations .
The application provides an effective way to spread the requirements of the Relief Centre by generating a PDF of the Requirements within the application which can be shared directly on various social medias and also provides direct mailing functionalities 📧
- To Provide a push notification to the Relief Centre as well as the Donors of any Relief centre's Requirements.
Open For any suggestions and fixes 😃