Typhoeus https://github.com/dbalatero/typhoeus
gem install posterous
In your Gemfile:
gem 'posterous'
Create config/initializers/posterous.rb
Posterous.config = {
'username' => '<username>',
'password' => '<password>',
'api_token' => '<api_token>'
By default the gem will wait one second per api request. However, if you have a whitelisted
token, you can pass 'limit' => false
in Posterous.config like so:
Posterous.config = {
'username' => '<username>',
'password' => '<password>',
'api_token' => '<api_token>'
'limit' => false
require 'posterous'
Posterous.config = {
'username' => '<username>',
'password' => '<password>',
'api_token' => '<api_token>'
include Posterous
Current user info
> User.me
=> <#<Posterous::User:0x00000100cacbe0> {:last_activity=>"2011/04/25 20:33:50 -0700",
:nickname=>"postertester", :lastname=>nil, :id=>1288737, :firstname=>nil,
> @user = User.me
> @user.favorites(:page => 1)
=> [<#<Posterous::Post:0x00000100c2c7b0>...]
> @user = User.me
> @user.subscriptions(:page => 1)
=> [<#<Posterous::Site:0x00000100c2c7b0>...]
Subscription Posts
> @user = User.me
> @user.subscriptions.posts(:page => 1)
=> [<#<Posterous::Post:0x00000100c2c7b0>...]
Find a primary site
> Site.primary
=> <#<Posterous::Site:0x00000100c22490> {:header_image=>nil, :name=>"postertester's posterous" ... }>
Find a Site by its hostname
> Site.find('twoism')
=> <#<Posterous::Site:0x00000100c22490> {:header_image=>nil, :name=>"postertester's posterous" ... }>
Find all of the current user's Sites
> Site.all(:page => 1)
=> [<#<Posterous::Site:0x00000100c22490> {:header_image=>nil, :name=>"postertester's posterous" ... }>]
Creating a new Site
> @site = Site.create(:hostname => 'superawesome',:is_private => false)
=> <#<Posterous::Site:0x00000100c22490> {:header_image=>nil, :name=>"superawesome's posterous" ... }>
Updating a Site
> @site = Site.primary
=> @site.hostname = 'anotherawesomesite'
=> @site.save
Deleting a Site
> @site = Site.find('sitetodelete')
=> @site.destroy
Creating Posts
> @site = Site.primary
> @post = @site.posts.create(:title => 'New Post', :body => 'From posterous API',
:media => [File.open('/path/to/file')], :autopost => true)
=> <#<Posterous::Post:0x00000100c2c7b0>
Updating Posts
> @post = @site.posts.find(<id>)
> @post.title = 'Kittens are radical!'
> @post.save
Deleting Posts
> @post = @site.posts.find(<id>)
> @post.destroy
Retrieving Posts
# paginated
> @site.posts(:page => 1)
# paginated since a given id
> @site.posts(:page => 3, :since_id => 123)
> @site = Site.find('someawesomesite')
> @site.posts.first.comments.create(:body => "Yes, kittens are very
> radical")
> @site = Site.find('someawesomesite')
> @site.posts.first.likes.create
> @site = Site.find('someawesomesite')
> @site.subscribers(:page => 1)
> @site.external_sites(:page => 1)
=> [<#<Posterous::ExternalSite:0x00000100c2c7b0>]
In your terminal type...
$ posterous
You will then be walked through the setup process. Type newb
to get some help.
Hi <username>, welcome to the Posterous API Console! For help type `newb`.
> newb
# Get your primary site
> Site.primary
=> <#<Posterous::Site:0x000001013e9b88> ... }>
# Get all your sites
> Site.all
=> [<#<Posterous::Site:0x000001013e9b88> ... }>]
# Get any public site
> Site.find('twoism')
=> <#<Posterous::Site:0x000001013e9b88> ... }>
# Get some posts
> s = Site.primary
> s.posts(:page => 1)
=> [<#<Posterous::Post:0x0000010138ced8> ... }>]
# Create a post and add a comment to it
> s = Site.primary
> post = s.posts.create(:title => 'Woo Hoo!')
=> <#<Posterous::Post:0x00000101398670>
> post.comments.create(:body => 'Kittens are radical!')
=> <#<Posterous::Comment:0x0000010135f758> ... }>