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Michael Murphy edited this page Mar 15, 2019 · 5 revisions

When launched in daemon mode (requires root), a new Dbus service will be registered, with the following details:

  • Interface: com.system76.PopUpgrade
  • Name: com.system76.PopUpgrade
  • Path: /com/system76/PopUpgrade

DBus Methods

  • FetchUpdates (additional_strings: as, download_only: b) -> (updates_available: b, completed: s, total: s)
    • Creates a task which will fetch all available updates, including the additional packages.
    • If an update task is already in progress, completed and total will have non-zero values.
    • If updates_available returns false, then there are no packages to fetch.
    • Unless download_only is specified as true, the packages will also be installed.
  • RecoveryUpgradeByFile (path: s)
    • Creates a task which will upgrade the recovery partition via a file ath the path.
  • RecoveryUpgradeByRelease (version: s, arch: s, flags: q) -> (result: u8)
    • Creates a task which will upgrade the recovery partition via the release API, using the defined details.
    • If package updates are available, a FetchUpdates task will execute beforehand.
    • how defines how the recovery partition should be upgraded.
      • Possible options are file and release.
    • version defines the suite to fetch from (ie: 20.04)
    • arch defines which variant of that version to fetch (ie: nvidia)
    • flags sets additional configuration parameters for the task
  • ReleaseCheck () -> (current: s, next: s, available: b)
    • Quickly checks the current release, determines the next release, and states whether an update is available or not.
  • ReleaseUpgrade (how: q, from: s, to: s)
    • Creates a task to initiate a distribution release upgrade.
    • The from defines which suite to upgrade from.
    • The to defines the suite to upgrade to.
    • The upgrade method performed is determined by the how.
      • 1 will use systemd to perform an offline upgrade.
      • 2 will use the recovery partition to perform an offline upgrade.
      • Any other value will result in an error.
  • ReleaseRepair ()
    • Performs automatic repairs of any issues found which may impact system operation
      • The /etc/fstab file will be corrected if certain mounts are missing or are mounting by the wrong ID
      • Source lists will also be parsed and corrected if they are missing any critical repositories
  • Status () -> (status: q, sub_status: q)
    • Reports the current status of the daemon, where zero indicates inactivity.
    • If that status has a sub_status, it will be set to a non-zero value.
    • The available statuses for the main status are:
      • 0: Inactive,
      • 1: Fetching Packages,
      • 2: Recovery Upgrade,
      • 3: Release Upgrade,
      • 4: Package Upgrade
  • UpgradePackages ()
    • Upgrades packages for the current release, similar to performing a non-interactive upgrade normally.

DBus Signals

  • PackageFetchResult (status: q)
    • Indicates that a FetchUpdates task completed
    • A status of 0 indicate success, whereas 1 indicates failure
  • PackageFetched (package: s, completed: u, total: u)
    • An event that is triggered when a FetchUpdates task has fetched a package.
    • package refers to the name of the package that was fetched.
    • completed and total can be used to track the progress of the task.
  • PackageFetching (package: s)
    • An event that is triggered when a FetchUpdates task has begun fetching a new package.
    • package refers to the name of the package that was fetched.
  • PackageUpgrade (event: a{ss})
    • The ADT is represented as a map of field-value pairs.
  • RecoveryDownloadProgress (progress: t, total: t)
    • Tracks the progress of the recovery files being fetched
  • RecoveryUpgradeEvent (event: q)
    • Notifies the client of a recovery upgrade event that has occurred
  • RecoveryUpgradeResult (result: q)
    • Indicates the final result of the recovery upgrade process
  • ReleaseUpgradeEvent (event: q)
    • Notifies the client of a release upgrade event that has occurred
  • ReleaseUpgradeResult (result: q)
    • Indicates the final result of the recovery upgrade process

Recovery Upgrade Event

  • Fetching (1): fetching recovery files
  • Syncing (2): syncing recovery files with recovery partition
  • Verifying (3): verifying checksums of fetched files
  • Complete (4): recovery partition upgrade completed
  • Failed (5): recovery partition upgrade failed

Release Upgrade Event

  • UpdatingPackageLists (1): updating package lists for the current release
  • FetchingPackages (2): fetching updated packages for the current release
  • UpgradingPackages (3): upgrading packages for the current release
  • InstallingPackages (4): ensuring that system-critical packages are isntalled
  • UpdatingSourceLists (5): updating the source lists to the new release
  • FetchingPackagesForNewRelease (6): fetching packages for the new release
  • AttemptingLiveUpgrade (7): attempting live upgrade to the new release
  • AttemptingSystemdUnit (8): creating a systemd unit for installing the new release
  • AttemptingRecovery (9): setting up the recovery partition to install the new release
  • Success (10): new release is ready to install
  • SuccessLive (11): new release was successfully installed
  • Failure (12): an error occurred while setting up the upgrade
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