This addon is designed to deal with the author's terrible ADD-fueled tab accretion.
Basically, what this does is allow a user to select a group of tabs whose URI or title match a regex, and either close them or contiguously group them in the tab bar.
It is possible to filter the list of tabs. This filter is applied to across the concatenated title and URL of each tab.
There are two modes of operation:
- space-delimited tokenized whitelist filter. This is the default - tabs containing all of the specified tokens in any order,
, most regex metachars are literalized. A leading^
character serves as an inverted filter (i.e. anything with that token will NOT match, e.g.things ^stuff
means "any tab with things that doesn't have stuff") - raw regex filter. Full JS regex syntax support,
There is a button per tab to kill tab.
- Kill all filtered tabs (.* for all tabs)
- Collect filtered tabs into new window
- Deduplicate (by URI) the filtered tabs or all tabs if no filter
- Some sort of list of candidates - possibly dual-window mode (MC-style) or checkboxes and checked items are sticky despite filter?
- Preview (using thumbs?) for tab on button or mouseover
- button on candidate to go to tab
- Time:Initial open
- Time:Last view (feasible?)
- Provide some mechanism for constructing and saving filters.
- Contiguous grouping in same window (i.e. move group to end)
- sort by depth in routing hierarchy? (e.g. [,,])
- Moving between windows via dragging tab from tabbar to tabbar breaks connection between backend and frontend. Sigh.