Hardware implementation of the cryptosystem McEliece in VHDL for binary (QD-)Goppa codes. This hardware implementation is structured in:
root folder: mceliece
This unit can perform encryption for McEliece binary QD-Goppa codes. It needs the following units to work:- codeword_generator_n_m_v3.vhd
- controller_codeword_generator_n_m_v3.vhd
Given a message and a generator matrix these units generate the necessary codeword. - error_adder.vhd
- controller_error_adder.vhd
Adds the necessary error into the generated codeword.
This unit can perform decryption for McEliece for binary Goppa codes and QD-Gopppa codes as well. However this unit is missing the necessary memories, in case you want the version with the memories, you can use the mceliece_qd_goppa_decrypt_v4_with_mem.vhd It needs the following units to work:- stage_polynomial_calc_v4.vhd
- pipeline_polynomial_calc_v4.vhd
- polynomial_syndrome_computing_n_v2.vhd
- controller_polynomial_syndrome_computing.vhd
This unit can perform two different steps, both syndrome computation and polynomial evaluation for the roots search. - solving_key_equation_5.vhd
- controller_solving_key_equation_5.vhd
This unit is only made to find the error locator polynomial given the syndrome. There are also the following testbenches to verify the units:
Verify the codeword generator unit and controller against the internal tests. -
Verify the encryption unit and controller against the internal tests. -
Verify the decryption unit and controller against the internal tests. -
Verify the decryption unit with internal memory against the internal tests. -
Verify the syndrome computing unit if it can compute the correct syndrome. -
Verify the syndrome computing unit if it can evaluate the polynomial correctly.
folder: mceliece/backup
The oldest versions for encryption and decryption units.
folder: mceliece/data_tests
The data tests files that are necessary by all test benches to test all mceliece circuits.
folder: mceliece/finite_field
The files for all finite fields arithmetics circuits
- GF(2^m) Adder
- GF(2^m) Multiplier
- GF(2^m) Pow2
- GF(2^m) Inversion Their were made for m values between 1 to 20.
folder: mceliece/finite_field_tests
The data tests files that are necessary by finite field test benches.
folder: mceliece/util
The basic circuits that composes all other circuits, registers, shift registers, counter and ram memories.
This entire project was done as my Master thesis, you can read more about it in :
Pedro Maat C. Massolino. "Design and evaluation of a post-quantum cryptographic co-processor". University of Sao Paulo. 2014. BIB
In this paper you can find more explanation about the constant time unit used for solving the key equation:
Pedro Maat C. Massolino, Paulo S. L. M. Barreto, Wilson V. Ruggiero. "Optimized and Scalable Co-Processor for McEliece with Binary Goppa Codes". ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS). vol 14. issue 3. pp 45. 2015. doi:10.1145/2736284 BIB