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App for managing contacts. Made for demonstration and educational purposes.


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Contacts App

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Try out the demo app at

REST API documentation can be seen at

First time setup


Pull and build required images:

docker-compose pull
docker-compose build

Start the containers in daemon mode:

docker-compose up -d

Install the required PHP packages:

./docker/bin/php composer install

Clear the backend app cache:

./docker/bin/php bin/console cache:clear

Install the required frontend packages:

./docker/bin/node yarn install
./docker/bin/node yarn encore dev

Create the database, run migrations and load the database with fixtures:

./docker/bin/php bin/console doctrine:database:create
./docker/bin/php bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
./docker/bin/php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Populate search engine's index:

./docker/bin/php bin/console search-engine:populate

Open the app in your browser at contacts-app.localhost:8091.

Software stack


  • Docker 18.09
  • Docker Compose 1.24
  • PHP 7.3
  • MySQL 8.0
  • Nginx 1.14
  • Node.js 10 LTS
  • Elasticsearch 6.6

Frameworks and Tools:

Additional libraries:

Docker containers

Docker with Docker Compose is used for running the whole stack. Four containers are used:

  • php - Runs PHP-FPM in daemon mode for the Symfony app, has PHP CLI enabled for unit/functional testing and
  • node - Used by Symfony Encore for managing and compiling frontend assets using Webpack module bundler and Yarn dependency manager. Composer for dependency management.
  • db - MySQL database for persisting contact data.
  • search - Elasticsearch full-text search engine.
  • http - HTTP server for static assets and to proxy requests to PHP-FPM.


Backend app uses Symfony with API Platform framework to provide an REST API for the frontend part of the application. API Platform was chosen because of it's numerous benefits, including:

  • Easy to extend entities with new properties, changes are propagated automatically.
  • OpenAPI (Swagger) documentation is generated automatically.
  • Support for JSON-LD with deprecations that enable evolving APIs instead of API versions.

MySQL database is used for persisting contact data, and Elasticsearch for enabling full-text searching capabilities.

Source files of the backend app can be found in the config/, src/, templates/, and tests/ folders.


Backend is covered with functional tests since most of the backend logic is handled by the API Platform. JSON schema files are used to validation REST API responses where appropriate.

Run the tests with command:

docker/bin/php bin/phpunit

Code coverage for the backend tests can be found at ./var/log/coverage.

Static Analysis

PHPStan can be used for finding errors in code. Run it with command:

vendor/bin/phpstan analyse -l 5 src tests


Frontend app uses Vue and is configured as a single page app, all the "view" logic happens in the frontend. It uses the API Platform's REST API with JSON-LD data format.

Source files can be found in the assets/ folder.


There is no user authentication. It is assumed that there is only one application consumer.

User Roles

  • User - a single actor of the application. Someone who uses the application to store and organise its contacts.

User Stories

1. As a user I can create or edit a contact, which includes the first name, last name, profile photo, email, favourite check, and one or more telephone numbers with labels.


  • Uploaded photos are stored in original format and resized to 200x200 pixels.
  • Photo upload is limited to types jpg and png, and a max size of 10MB.
  • Number of telephone numbers is unlimited.
  • Label value for a telephone number can be entered as a free text.
  • Give option to cancel creating a new contact.


  • Test that creation/editing passes when at least first and last name is entered, otherwise it fails.
  • Test that multiple telephone numbers with or without labels are visible after a contact is saved.
  • Test that only valid telephone numbers (E164 format, example +38591234567) can be saved.
  • Test that telephone number labels can have no more than 255 characters.
  • Test that only valid emails can be saved.
  • Test that creation/editing fails when first and last name have more than 255 characters each.
  • Test that creation/editing can be canceled.
  • Test that any entered text values are properly sanitised and escaped.
  • Test that a selected profile photo added to a new contact is visible after save.
  • Test that creation/editing fails for the profile photo when invalid file type is selected or the max size is above the 10MB limit.

2. As a user I can delete a contact from the list view or the edit view.


  • Ask user for confirmation when deleting a contact.
  • Give option to cancel deletion.


  • Test that delete button is visible on list and edit view.
  • Test that confirmation dialog is shown when clicked on delete button.
  • Test that contact is actually gone once the deletion is confirmed.

3. As a user I can check/uncheck a contact as favourite directly from the list view or the detail view.


  • Favourite button acts like a checkbox but does not have to look like one.


  • Test that a contact checked as favourite is visible in the list of my favourites.
  • Test that contact checked as favourite has the check active on the list view and detail view.
  • Test that previously favourite contact can be made not-favourite.

4. As a user I can view my contacts in a list of all contacts and a list of my favourites.


  • Test that first name, last name, profile photo, favourite check, edit button and delete button are displayed for each contact.
  • Test that by clicking on the favourite check it marks that contact as favourite.
  • Test that by clicking on edit button an edit view is displayed for that contact.
  • Test that by clicking on delete button a delete confirmation dialog is displayed.
  • Test that by clicking on the "My favourites" only those with favourite flag are displayed.
  • Test that by clicking on the "All contacts" all contacts are displayed.

5. As a user I can search my contacts using a search box that matches my query against all text fields of a contact.


  • Contacts are filtered in near-realtime as the search query is being entered character by character in the search box.


  • Test that contacts whose partial first name matches the entered keyword in search box is displayed in the list.
  • Test that a contact whose partial last name matches the entered keyword in search box is displayed in the list.
  • Test that a contact whose partial email matches the entered keyword in search box is displayed in the list.
  • Test that a contact whose partial telephone number matches the entered keyword in search box is displayed in the list.
  • Test that a contact whose partial telephone number label matches the entered keyword in search box is displayed in the list.
  • Test that no contacts are displayed when a keyword that does not have a match is entered in the search box.
  • Test that search terms can contact spaces.
  • Test that search terms longer than 100 characters are truncated.
  • Test that search terms are properly sanitised and escaped when displayed in the search box.
  • Test that search works in the same way on list of all contacts and my favourites.

6. As a user I can access a read-only details view of a contact which includes the first name, last name, profile photo, email, favourite check, and one or more telephone numbers with labels.


  • Add a button for accessing the contacts edit page.


  • Test that all specified fields are displayed on the details view.
  • Test that email is clickable and links to mailto:{email}.
  • Test that telephone numbers are clickable and link to tel:{number}.
  • Test that really long text is clipped and displayed with an ellipsis.
  • Test that not found contact details display Not found page.
  • Test that click on favourite button sets/unsets contact as favourite.
  • Test that click on back button displays a list of contacts.
  • Test that click on edit button displays contact edit page.


App for managing contacts. Made for demonstration and educational purposes.







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