One afternoon I was sitting idle, had DSP (Digital Signal Processing) viva next day. But my book was in college locker. So I had nothing to do. So I made this instead.
This is web based Memo. I know there are lot of apps like Keep, Evernote, etc for this. But many times we are sitting in office or college lab and we have something, say a Quote you liked alot while surfing, or some Youtube video or say a link. Now you want to save that so you can get back to it at home. So you open your email id and mail to yourself or something similar. Its time consuming and unsecure too.
So this Web Based Memo solves this problem. It can be hosted on your website and you can just post it here and you can find it when you are home. You can add password feature if you want to keep your posts confidential. Soon I will also add file upload feature too in this.
Feel free to drop suggestions at sid [at]