Filter Enhancements:
Add more granular filters (e.g., by repository, workflow name, or specific time intervals).
Include a "Reset Filters" button to revert to the default state.
Detailed Drill-Downs:
Allow clicking on a bar or line in the graph to display detailed information (e.g., workflow logs, specific job durations).
Open a modal or side panel for these details.
Comparison Mode:
Allow comparing trends or workflow times across repositories or workflows in side-by-side graphs.
Export Data:
Provide an option to export filtered data as a CSV, Excel, or PDF file.
Dashboard Navigation:
Replace tabs with a sidebar for easier navigation if more sections are added in the future.
Include icons next to tab/section names for clarity.
Modern Graph Animations:
Introduce animations like sliding bars, easing effects, or progressive line drawing for graphs.
Empty States:
Display helpful messages or illustrations for empty data (e.g., "No failures recorded today" or "No workflows found for the selected range").
Interactive Tooltips:
Enhance tooltips with more details, such as percentage changes compared to the previous period.
Allow clicking on a tooltip to navigate to related logs or details.
Cards for Key Metrics:
Add summary cards at the top of the dashboard:
Total Workflows Run
Total Billable Minutes
Number of Failures
Use icons and bold text to make these visually distinct.
User Customization:
Allow users to save their preferred filters or dashboard layouts.
Use heatmaps to show workflow activity across days and times (e.g., most active hours/days).
Integrated Notifications:
Send email or Slack notifications for failed workflows or significant usage spikes.
Performance Optimizations:
Lazy load graphs and data to improve initial page load times.
Use skeleton loaders while data is being fetched.
Responsive Design:
Optimize the layout for different screen sizes (e.g., better graph scaling for tablets).
Add subtle hover effects and animations for buttons, cards, and graphs.
Multi-User Support:
If this is for a team, add user profiles and permissions for managing workflows and data.
Integration with GitHub:
Show recent commits or PRs linked to each workflow.