Plan : capabilities skeleton:
get verification command from bz comment
how to get running job variables into the tool? solution: run from command line with available job args.
get main dfg fot this bug and compare with current job
check verification deployment env var
run it on undercloud : ?using python shell then ansible playbook ?
get correct passed/failed outcome
handle auto bug verification &|| mail to the qe recipient
Flow: execute after tests : stage that executes the tool : python tool --verification-product: openstack (insinuates infrared usage the following options) --verification-topology :cont2_comp2 --verification-dfg: pidone the tool will then executes the verification command from the undercloud (unless stated otherwise by an option ? ).
Abstraction: Between different tool modules : bz_comments,verification execution,bz_update,mail.
?how to handle different verification methods?
openstack=ir plugin rhev,openshift
solution : check bug for product ,i,e. bz1647991 -> openstack, then use Infrared verification method.