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pieterlexis edited this page Jan 24, 2012 · 4 revisions

Swede usage

The options you can set with swede.

General options

These options can be used by both verify and create.

usage: swede [-h] [--insecure] [--resolvconf /PATH/TO/RESOLV.CONF] [-v] {verify,create} ... hostname

Create and verify DANE records.

positional arguments:

optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --insecure       Allow use of non-dnssec secured answers
  --resolvconf /PATH/TO/RESOLV.CONF
                   Use a recursive resolver from resolv.conf
  -v, --version    show version and exit

  {verify,create}  Available functions, see swede function -h for function-
                   specific help
    verify         Verify a TLSA record, exit 0 when all TLSA records are
                   matched, exit 2 when a record does not match the received
                   certificate, exit 1 on error.
    create         Create a TLSA record

Creation options

usage: swede create [-h] [--port PORT] [--protocol {tcp,udp,sctp}]
                    [--certificate CERTIFICATE] [--output {draft,rfc,both}]
                    [--usage {0,1,2}] [--selector {0,1}] [--mtype {0,1,2}]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --port PORT, -p PORT  The port where running TLS is located (default: 443).
  --protocol {tcp,udp,sctp}
                        The protocol the TLS service is using (default: tcp).
                        The certificate used for the host. If certificate is
                        empty, the certificate will be downloaded from the
  --output {draft,rfc,both}, -o {draft,rfc,both}
                        The type of output. 
                        Draft using private RRtype 65468 (default)
                        RFC (TLSA)
  --usage {0,1,2}, -u {0,1,2}
                        The Usage of the Certificate for Association. 
                        '0' for CA
                        '1' for End Entity (default)
                        '2' for trust-anchor
  --selector {0,1}, -s {0,1}
                        The Selector for the Certificate for Association. 
                        '0' for Full Certificate (default)
                        '1' for SubjectPublicKeyInfo
  --mtype {0,1,2}, -m {0,1,2}
                        The Matching Type of the Certificate for Association.
                        '0' for Exact match
                        '1' for SHA-256 (default)
                        '2' for SHA-512

Verification options

usage: swede verify [-h] [--port PORT] [--protocol {tcp,udp,sctp}] [--only-rr]
                    [--ca-cert /PATH/TO/CERTSTORE] [--quiet]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --port PORT, -p PORT  The port where running TLS is located (default: 443).
  --protocol {tcp,udp,sctp}
                        The protocol the TLS service is using (default: tcp).
  --only-rr, -o         Only verify that the TLSA resource record is correct
                        (do not check certificate)
  --ca-cert /PATH/TO/CERTSTORE
                        Path to a CA certificate or a directory containing the
                        certificates (default: /etc/ssl/certs/)
  --quiet, -q           Only print the result of the validation
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