Log in to lxplus.
ssh -Y [email protected] -o ServerAliveInterval=240
bash -l
Setup the CMSSW release. The code nanoFakes.C
fails with (at least) 10_2_0
and 10_6_4
cd work
mkdir fakes
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc7_amd64_gcc630
cmsrel CMSSW_10_1_0
cd CMSSW_10_1_0/src
Original code.
git clone https://github.com/latinos/FakeRateMeasurement
Updated code.
git clone https://github.com/piedraj/FakeRateMeasurement
cd work/fakes/CMSSW_10_1_0/src
cd FakeRateMeasurement
Check (and edit if needed) the following files.
contains the tight lepton names. They might differ between 2016, 2017, 2018.nanoFakes.C
contains the triggers and the corresponding prescales. Edit this file if, for example, you need to move from Ele12 to Ele8.submitJobs.py
contains the data and MC samples names. Verify that they match the current production.
2022/07/13, open issue. The option -d
below does not seem to fully work. It helps (at least for 2017 and 2018) choosing between data and MC, but the full path is read from runNanoFakes.C
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Summer20UL16_106x_nAODv9_HIPM_Full2016v9/MCl1loose2016v9__fakeSelKinMC/ -y 2016_HIPM
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Run2016_UL2016_nAODv9_HIPM_Full2016v9/DATAl1loose2016v9__fakeSel/ -y 2016_HIPM
Read trees without any mtw1 cut to debug the 2016_HIPM negative fakes.
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Summer20UL16_106x_nAODv9_HIPM_Full2016v9/MCl1loose2016v9__MCCorr2016v9/ -y 2016_HIPM
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Run2016_UL2016_nAODv9_HIPM_Full2016v9/DATAl1loose2016v9/ -y 2016_HIPM
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Summer20UL16_106x_nAODv9_noHIPM_Full2016v9/MCl1loose2016v9__fakeSelKinMC/ -y 2016_noHIPM
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Run2016_UL2016_nAODv9_noHIPM_Full2016v9/DATAl1loose2016v9__fakeSel/ -y 2016_noHIPM
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Summer20UL17_106x_nAODv9_Full2017v9/MCl1loose2017v9__fakeSelKinMC/ -y 2017
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Run2017_UL2017_nAODv9_Full2017v9/DATAl1loose2017v9__fakeSel/ -y 2017
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Summer20UL18_106x_nAODv9_Full2018v9/MCl1loose2018v9__fakeSelKinMC/ -y 2018
python submitJobs.py -d /eos/cms/store/group/phys_higgs/cmshww/amassiro/HWWNano/Run2018_UL2018_nAODv9_Full2018v9/DATAl1loose2018v9__fakeSel -y 2018
condor_q -hold -af HoldReason
cd results
hadd -f -k hadd_wjets.root nanoLatino_WJetsToLNu*.root
hadd -f -k hadd_zjets.root nanoLatino_DYJetsToLL*.root
hadd -f -k hadd_data.root nanoLatino_*_Run201*.root
For 2018 data there are too many files, and the hadd
has to be done in two steps.
hadd -f -k hadd_EGamma_Run2018.root nanoLatino_EGamma_Run2018*.root
hadd -f -k hadd_DoubleMuon_Run2018.root nanoLatino_DoubleMuon_Run2018*.root
hadd -f -k hadd_data.root hadd_EGamma_Run2018.root hadd_DoubleMuon_Run2018.root
rm hadd_EGamma_Run2018.root
rm hadd_DoubleMuon_Run2018.root
Move the merged files to their corresponding year directory.
rm nanoLatino*
mkdir <year>
mv hadd* <year>/.
root -l -b -q getFakeRate.C
cp -r png /afs/cern.ch/user/p/piedra/www/ul_fakerate
pushd /afs/cern.ch/user/p/piedra/www/ul_fakerate
cp ../index.php .
find . -type d -exec cp index.php {} \;
And the results should appear here,
- The jet pt thresholds for electrons are 35 GeV for 0-jet, 1-jet and 2-jets.
- The jet pt thresholds for muons are 20 GeV for 0-jet, 25 GeV for 1-jet, and 35 GeV for 2-jets.