Plugin, for Croogo version 1.4, which adds some handy features to core Nodes, such as:
- Makes full use of Tree behaviour for pages
- Adds new index for viewing pages using Tree ordering
- Adds moveup/down actions
- Navigation
- Breadcrumbs
- Submenus
- Childmenus
- Archives: by month with count
- Images/Thumbs
- Link a Croogo attachment to a node
- Use SLIR (needs installing in webroot) to generate resized/cropped thumbs
- Clone plugin to /app/Plugin/NodeNavigation folder
- Login to Croogo admin
- Goto Extensions > Plugins
- Activate NodeNavigation plugin
- A new admin link is added under Content > List > Pages (by tree order)
- When following the link above you'll see an index that looks similar to Menu > Links
- NodeNavigationComponent and NodeNavigationHelper are attached to NodesController
- NodeNavigationComponent::beforeRender() sets a nodeNavigation array containing path, children and submenu arrays
- NodeNavigationHelper::breadcrumbs($nodeNavigation['path']) uses CakePHP's HTML::getCrumbs to output basic breadcrumbs (I placed this in /MyTheme/Elements/Nodes/view_page.ctp).
- NodeNavigationHelper::submenu($nodeNavigation['submenu']) outputs a UL with links to the
- NodeNavigationHelper::childmenu($nodeNavigation['children']) not yet coded
I always include the Home page as my root, making all sections of a site a child of Home. For example:
- Home
- About
- History
- Team
- History
- Services
- Hosting
- Design
- Development
- Portfolio
- Contact
- About
This structure means you get full breadcrumbs from the nodes and it is currently used to work out when to show a submenu (only when viewing a third level page or deeper) and what links will be in the submenu.
- After editing/deleting a page, would be nice if it came back to the plugin index
- Similarly, after processing pages, would be nice if it came back to the plugin index
- Still loads to do with regards to HTML output and related options
- Probably coded for my specific use-case at present, needs to be more flexible for use with any site
- Childmenu helper not yet coded
This is my first ever plugin, and the first time I have released anything publicly so expect there to be things that could be improved. Give me honest feedback and I will try and resolve any issues you may have.