Plugin for integrating elFinder into Croogo.
Requires Croogo v1.5 or higher, replaces FileManager::Attachments with a more advanced file manager allowing folder management, context menus, drag and drop uploads/moves and image editing amongst other things.
Auto configures Ckeditor to use elFinder as a file browser. I've also released a plugin for TinyMCE 4 plugin that works with this plugin.
- Clone repository to /app/Plugin/ElFinder, and activate the plugin from your admin panel.
- Create a symlink in /app/webroot called ElFinder to ../Plugin/ElFinder/webroot
The second step bypasses CakePHP's plugin routing when calling elFinder by ajax.
On my Redhat Linux server I run the following as root:
- cd /app/webroot
- ln -s ../Plugin/ElFinder/webroot/ ElFinder
- chown -h %youruser%:%yourgroup% ElFinder