Description of plugin
You can put blocks into the following:
- Layout
- Views
- Elements
- Blocks (with a change, see below)
- Blocks within blocks
- Node body and excerpt
- Any node field (if defined in BlockHelper::nodeFields)
[block:alias_of_block] or [b:alias_of_block]
Croogo has no callback when LayoutHelper::blocks() is called so to make sure blocks are parsed replace the following in your layouts:
echo $this->Layout->blocks('alias_of_block');
echo $this->Block->blocks('alias_of_block');
- Download this package
- Login to your Croogo admin screen
- Go to 'Extensions' and then choose 'Plugins'
- Click on the Upload button
- Select this package
- Done!
- Download and unzip the .zip file or the source code
- Extract nodeplugin inside your croogo_folder/plugins
Author: Darren Moore
E-mail: [email protected]