Sample .eps file for the Mutable Instruments Module Tester, modified for construction in Ponoko. The file passed the verification steps by Ponoko and the delivered product was built as I expected to a very high quality.
For manufacturing, I selected 3mm clear acrylic transparent on a P2 - 384.0 mm x 384.0 mm sheet.
Please see the images/ directory for some images of the delivered product from this .eps file.
Note: This file is provided as-is, please verify accuracy and suitability for your needs before manufacturing. Use of this file is at own risk!
Changes I made:
- set line width to 0.01mm as required by Ponoko
- changed RGB colors of lines as required by Ponoko to create cuts and fills
- substituted a font in Adobe Illustrator for the power adapter, and converted to an outline
- moved the parts from the original file into the Ponoko template
- removed the "bird" layer and saved as .eps
To Do/Notes:
- there are two holes on the back panel (from original .eps) which seem to serve no purpose. Consider removing these holes.
- consider adding two holes on the front panel to allow calibration adjustment without having to take the front panel off.