0.3 - Improved GUI Tools
Change log:
- Allow to commit several packages together in the same commit.
- Show diffs for incoming and outgoing commits (i.e. before push/pull you can browse the difference between the remote and the local versions).
- New History view allows to see any commit in any branch and compare it to the current loaded version.
- Better support for interacting code loaded outside Iceberg (smaltalkhub, filetree, gitfiletree, etc).
- From the diff view, revert changes or browse them (i.e. open a Nautilus on the changed class/method).
- Automatically update presentations on code / repository changes.
- Integration with Metacello, i.e. after installing Iceberg you do something like
Metacello new
baseline: 'TaskIt';
repository: 'github://sbragagnolo/taskit';
(By default) it will be loaded using iceberg (there is a setting to avoid it if you do not want to).
- Improved handling of git errors.
- Improved performance for several operations.
- Improved documentation.
- ... and several bug fixes and other minor improvements (please look at https://github.com/npasserini/iceberg/milestone/7?closed=1 for more details).