Version 0.2
is a Python script created to find the reference (and alternative)
allele using a BIM file (from Plink) and a reference genome (in Fasta
The tool requires a standard Python installation (2.7 or 3) with the following module:
The tool has been tested on Linux, but should work on Windows and MacOS operating system as well.
$ --help
usage: [-h] [-v] [--debug] [--log LOGFILE] -i FILE -r FASTA
[-o FILE]
Finds the human reference allele (version 0.2).
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --version show program's version number and exit
--debug Set the logging to debug
--log LOGFILE The log file [ref_finder.log]
Input Files:
-i FILE, --input FILE
The input file (BIM format).
-r FASTA, --reference FASTA
The human reference genome in FASTA format.
Result File:
-o FILE, --output-prefix FILE
The name of the output file [ref_alleles.vcf]
Basic testing is available.
$ python -m unittest -q ref_finder