Lua HTTP client cosocket based on OpenResty / ngx_lua.
- Support HTTP 1.1
- Support chunked encoding
- Keepalive
local h = s2http:new( ip, port, timeout )
h:request( uri, {method='GET', headers={}, body=''} )
status = h.status
headers = h.headers
buf = h:read_body( size )
local h = s2http:new( ip, port, timeout )
h:send_request( uri, {method='GET', headers={}, body=''} )
h:send_body( body )
status = h.status
headers = h.headers
buf = h:read_body( size )
syntax: http = http:new( ip, port?, timeout? )
Creates the http object.
It should be instantiated passing it ip and optional port number. If no port number is passed, the default HTTP port (80) is used. If no timeout, then defalut timeout is 60s
syntax: err_code, err_msg = http:request( uri, opts? )
Send a request to the server by specified uri. If the opts argument is present, It should be a table, The opts table accepts the following items:
: The HTTP request method. Defaults isGET
: A table of request headers. Accepts a Lua table.body
: The request body as a string.
In case of success, this method returns nil, nil and http object contains status, headers;
otherwise, it returns err_code and a string describing the error.
syntax: err_code, err_msg = http:send_request( uri, opts? )
As the above, requset
method, but this method does not contains http
response(eg: status, headers), you can call finish_request
In case of failure, it returns err_code and a string describing the error.
syntax: bytes, err_code, err_msg = http:send_body( body )
Send data to the server
In case of success, this method returns bytes, nil, nil, the return value bytes is the length of send body;
otherwise, it returns err_code and a string describing the error.
syntax: err_code, err_msg = http:finish_requst()
Send the request to the server really,
In case of success, this method returns nil, nil, the http status and headers seted in http object, suce as, http.status, http.headers
syntax: buf, err_code, err_msg = http:read_body( size )
Read the http response body of the specified size
syntax: err_code, err_msg = http:set_timeout( time )
Set the timeout value in milliseconds for http connection
syntax: err_code, err_msg = http:set_keepalive( timeout, size )
The same as ngx_lua setkeeeplive
syntax: http:close()
Close the http connection to the server