Buvie is a platform where users can find other people with similar taste in movies and plan to catch a movie with them!
server repo: https://github.com/thinkful-ei24/buvie-server
native repo: https://github.com/thinkful-ei24/buvie-native
Deployed: version: https://buvie.netlify.com
To use Buvie without needing to register, simply log in with the credentials below.
Demo Account:
username: demouser
password: password123
Buvie requires Node.js v6.0+ to run.
Buvie requires Node.js v6.0+ to run. Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
npm install
To run front-end or back-end tests, simply run npm test
in the terminal.
- React - The web framework used
- Redux - State management
- Socket.io - Websocket
- Image Upload - Image file capturer
- Google Geolocation API - Location API
- Styled Components - Styling
- Jest - Testing
- Enzyme - Testing
Joe Pena - Full-Stack - Joe-Pena
Kent Tokunaga - Full-Stack - kenttoku
Cameron Hatch - Full-Stack - CameronHatch92
Nikolas Melgarejo - Full-Stack - NikolasMSomething
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
- Jesse Heaslip, Tauhida Parveen, Joe Turner, Chris Klanac, Rich Greenhill, Capi Etheriel, Brandon Hinshaw