A CNN handwritten digit recognizer with graphical UI, implemented with Python (tensorflow, kivy).
一个带界面的CNN手写数字识别,使用Python(tensorflow, kivy)实现。
This is a simple handwritten digit recognizer application, implemented with only Python language. Basically, I use Tensorflow to build the CNN classifier as the recognizer, and use Kivy to realize the UI. This program supports mouse or touch screen, and can recognize 0-9 altogether 10 numbers. The keypoint is as follows:
- Use Tensorflow (as well as its Estimator API) to build the CNN model. Use MNIST dataset to train the model.
- Use Kivy to build the UI.
- After drawing digit on the Kivy App window, the app export the digit as a image, which, after being processed with PIL, is feeded to the CNN model. The recognition result is displayed on the window later.
- 使用Tensorflow(和其Estimator API)构建CNN模型,使用MNIST数据集训练模型;
- 使用Kivy框架构建前端界面;
- 在Kivy界面上写字后,将界面导出成图片,使用PIL处理后喂给后端的CNN进行识别,识别结果显示在界面上。
- Python 3
- Tensorflow
- Kivy
- Numpy
Run the main app:
python main.py
Train the model (trained model is included, so the main app can work immediately)
python trainer.py
You can also modify some hyperparams in trainer.py
python main.py
python trainer.py
Some existing problems, which I will try to find out the reasons and fix in the future when I'm free. There we have:
- When drawing digit at the first time after the app runs, the response time is quite long. I guess it's about the loading of tf, and multi-thread may help.
- The effectiveness of the recognition is not very good. The classifer is easy to mix some digits (like 2 & 7, 2 & 3, 0 & 6 etc.).
- If I modify the x in MNIST dataset, changing values not equal to 0 into 1, the training speed will be much slower. I don't know why.
If you know how to handle these existing problem, or any other problems, feel free to let me know. Thank you!
- 启动程序后,第一次写字,响应速度慢,猜想是第一次要加载tf相关的东西,拖慢了速度,估计可以用多线程解决;
- 识别效果一般,有几个数字(如2和7,2和3,0和6)经常混淆;
- 若将MNIST数据集进行处理,将x中所有非0值改为1,训练速度会极大的下降,不知道是为什么。
I wrote it just for fun, btw learn the use of Tensorflow and git. I'm new to TF and DL. Any seggestions is welcomed. Thank you!